# Noemi Cabrera
# 26 october 2021
# In this lesson, I learned to create lists by using square brackets [] and separating
# each item with commas. Lists can be made out of strings, integers, variables, or a
# mix of them. To access a specific item in a list you use string slicing that is zero
# based. So, the index count for the items starts at 0, not 1. Also, you can add
# different items once you slice them.
# I didn't have any difficulties in this lesson.
# [ The variable ft_bones is assigned a list made out of strings as its value. A list contains comma
# separated objects enclosed in square brackets. Then the type of the variable is displayed, which is
# list, by using type().] review and run example
# define list of strings
ft_bones = ["calcaneus", "talus", "cuboid", "navicular", "lateral cuneiform", "intermediate cuneiform", "medial cuneiform"]
# display type information
print("ft_bones: ", type(ft_bones))
# print the list
# [ The variable age_survey is assigned a list made out of integers as its value. Then the type of the
# variable is displayed, which is list, by using type(). ] review and run example
# define list of integers
age_survey = [12, 14, 12, 29, 12, 14, 12, 12, 13, 12, 14, 13, 13, 46, 13, 12, 12, 13, 13, 12, 12]
# display type information
print("age_survey: ", type(age_survey))
# print the list
# [ The variable mixed_list is assigned a list made out of strings, integers, and lists as its value.
# Even though the list has different data types, the type will still be list.] review and run example
# define list of mixed data type
mixed_list = [1, 34, 0.999, "dog", "cat", ft_bones, age_survey]
# display type information
print("mixed_list: ", type(mixed_list))
# print the list
# [The team_names variable contains a list of strings that are team names. ] create
# team_names list and populate with 3-5 team name strings
team_names = ["Golden stars", "Rolling Stoners", "Full Spirit", "Rock for Life",
"Crafty Crew"]
# [ The list is printed by putting the variable containing the list in print()]
# print the list
# [ The list created contains both integers and strings separarted by commas.] Create
# a list mix_list with numbers and strings with 4-6 items
mix_list = [1, "bread", 2, "oranges", 5, "potatoes"]
# [ The variable mix_list contains the list created, therefore, the list is displayed. ]
# print the list
# [ Each item is separated with commas and they're counted starting with index 0.
# In this case, the index count of the 1st bone in the list ft_bones is 0.
# The 2nd bone is index 1, and so on. ] review and run example
print(ft_bones[0], "is the 1st bone on the list")
print(ft_bones[2], "is the 3rd bone on the list")
print(ft_bones[-1], "is the last bone on the list")
# [Here, the 2nd and 4th bone are accessed by writing their index count, which is 1 and
# 3. Both are used in the same sentence. ] review and run example
print(ft_bones[1], "is connected to the",ft_bones[3])
# [ The sum of the first 3 ages is cointained in the variable three_ages. The ages are
# slices of the list found in age_survey. Then the sum of these ages is printed. ]
# review and run example
three_ages_sum = age_survey[0] + age_survey[1] + age_survey[2]
print("The first three ages total", three_ages_sum)
# [ The variable streets contains a list of street names. ] Create a list, streets, that lists the name of 5 street name strings
streets = ["Main","Yellowsnow","Church","Maple", "Allen"]
# [ The first street name (index 0) is printed with the message that says it has no
# parking. ] print a message that there is "No Parking" on index 0 or index 4 streets
print(streets[0],"street: 'No Parking'")
# [ The variable num_2_add contains a list made out of 5 integers. ]
# Create a list, num_2_add, made of 5 different numbers between 0 - 25
num_2_add = [7, 8, 14, 19, 25]
# [The variable is sliced to access each integer in the list and then these are added
# using the + sign. ] print the sum of the numbers
print(num_2_add[0]+ num_2_add[1] + num_2_add[2] + num_2_add[3] + num_2_add[4])
# [ The error in this code is that the variable play_checks is not assigned a value before
# using it. Therefore, Python cannot do the sum. ] Review & Run, but ***Do Not Edit***
# this code cell
# [ ] Fix the error by only editing and running the block below
print(" Total of checks 3 & 4 = $", pay_checks[2] + pay_checks[3])
# [ To fix the problem above, I assigned the pay_checks variable a list value made with
# integers. Then I placed the same code of above after I defined the variable to display
# the sum of the checks 3 & 4.] Fix the error above by creating and running code in
# this cell.
pay_checks = [110, 190, 260, 300, 100, 230]
print(" Total of checks 3 & 4 = $", pay_checks[2] + pay_checks[3])