# review and run code
name = "Collette"
# string addition
print("Hello " + name + "!")
# comma separation formatting
print("Hello to",name,"who is from the city")
# [ ] print 3 strings on the same line using commas inside the print() function
"How are you today" , "What is your name" , "How old are you"
# review and run code
print("I will pick you up @",6,"for the party")
# review and run code
number_errors = 0
print("An Integer of", 14, "combined with strings causes",number_errors,"TypeErrors in comma formatted print!")
# [ ] use a print() function with comma separation to combine 2 numbers and 2 strings
print("My name is Braeden, I am",16,"I love my dog willow.")
# [ ] get user input for a street name in the variable, street
street=input("What is your street name?")
# [ ] get user input for a street number in the variable, st_number
st_number=input("What is you street number")
# [ ] display a message about the street and st_number
print("I live at",st_number,street)
# [ ] define a variable with a string or numeric value
# [ ] display a message combining the variable, 1 or more literal strings and a number
print("the number is 5")
# [ ] get input for variables: owner, num_people, training_time - use descriptive prompt text
owner = input("What is you name")
num_people = input("number of people")
training_time = input("how long do you want to train")
# [ ] create an integer variable min_early and "hard code" the integer value (e.g. - 5, 10 or 15)
min_early = 10
# [ ] print reminder text using all variables & add additional strings - use comma separated print formatting
print("the owner",owner,"has set the max number of people to",num_people,"you are alowed to train a mox of",training_time,"please show up",min_early)