# review and run the code
# Single quote surrounded by Double
print("It's time to save your code")
# Double quote surrounded by Single
print('I said to the class "sometimes you need to shut down and restart a notebook when cells refuse to run"')
# [ ] using a print statement, display the text: Where's the homework?
print("Where's the homework?")
# [ ] using a print statment display the output showing double quotes: "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school" - Albert Einstein
print('"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school" - Albert Einstein')
"A Cold Stromy Night".istitle()
cm_height = "176"
print("cm height:",cm_height, "is all digits =",cm_height.isdigit())
# [ ] Use .isalpha() on the string: "alphabetical"
"alphabetical" .isalpha()
# [ ] Use .isalpha() on the string: "Are spaces and punctuation Alphabetical?"
"Are spaces and punctuation Alphabetical?" .isalpha()
# [ ] initailize variable alpha_test with input
alpha_test=input("Enter a word")
# [ ] use .isalpha() on string variable alpha_test