Market Basket Analysis in Python: An Implementation with Online Retail Data
Market basket analysis is a technique used mostly by retailers to identify which products clients purchase together most frequently. This involves analyzing point of sale (POS) transaction data to identify the correlations between different items according to their co-occurrence in the data.
Using this information, retailers are better able to understand customer purchasing patterns, especially which items customers are likely to purchase together. A well-known example of market basket analysis in action is on the Amazon website. Upon selecting a product, a viewer is taken to the product page which not only includes details about the selected product but also displays a section called “Frequently bought together”.
Though familiar with online retailers, market basket analysis has its roots in brick-and-mortar stores, with decisions like which products to place in close proximity to each other, based on the results of the analysis. For example, if customers are buying steak, how likely are they to buy alcohol (and which type of alcohol)? This information can help guide decisions around product placement, up-selling and cross-selling. It also influences sales promotions, loyalty programs, and pricing strategies like bundling.
While several techniques exist for performing market basket analysis, Association Rules remains one of the most widely used. It identifies strong rules in transaction data by counting the frequency of items that occur together, and finding associations that occur more often than expected. One well-known association rule algorithm used in market basket analysis is the Apriori Algorithm. It works by first finding all frequent attributes in the data set, and then employing association rules based on two metrics, support, and confidence to identify the most important relationships.
In this code-along tutorial, we will focus on how to implement market basket analysis using the apriori algorithm and association rules in Python.
The dataset
To perform our analysis, we’ll be using the Online Retail Dataset. This is a dataset containing transnational transactions made on a UK-based online retail store between 01/12/2010 and 09/12/2011. It comprises 541909 rows, with 8 attributes:
InvoiceNo: a unique 6-digit number assigned to each transaction. If this code starts with letter ‘C’, then the order was cancelled.
StockCode: a unique 5-digit number assigned to each distinct product.
Description: the product name.
Quantity: the number of each product (item) purchased per transaction.
InvoiceDate: the date and time each transaction was completed.
UnitPrice: the product price per unit in pounds sterling.
CustomerID: a unique 5-digit number assigned to each customer.
Country: the name of the country from where the purchase was made.
Importing the libraries
We will begin by importing the relevant python libraries. For our analysis, we’ll be using Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization, and the mlextend library for applying the apriori algorithm and association rules.
The next step is to load our data into pandas. Since we’re dealing with an xlsx file, we’ll need to use the read_excel() method in pandas. We can also simply pass in the URL to the file as our argument. If you have downloaded the file to your computer, then you’ll need to specify the file path instead. After loading our data, we can preview the first 5 rows with the head() method.
Using the info() method, we can check the structure of the dataset, including the number of rows and columns, as well as the names and data type of each column and whether or not they contain null values.
Preparing the data
Our first task in preparing the data is to check the occurrence of null values in the dataset by using the isna() method. By including the sum() method, we can view the total number of null values per column.
The dataset contains a total of 136,534 null values, with the vast majority occurring in the CustomerID column. Since we have more than sufficient data for our analysis, we will not bother with trying to impute these missing values, and will simply remove them from the data.
After removing all null values, we’re left with 406,829 rows of data. Next, we’d want to remove all canceled transactions from the data. Remember from the description of the dataset that Invoice Numbers that start with a “C” are canceled/returned transactions. We can easily remove these by first converting the InvoiceNo column to a string data type, and then removing all rows that start with a “C” with a simple filter.
After removing all canceled transactions, we’re left with 397,924 rows of data. Our final preparation task is to choose transactions from only one country for our analysis. Before we do so, we can first check how all the transactions are distributed by country with the value_counts() method. We’ll limit it to the top 10 countries for easy visibility.
The UK is clearly number one in terms of the number of transactions. We can visualize this information in a pie chart as well.
A whopping 91% of all transactions originated from the UK. To keep things simple, we will limit our analysis to the UK only. We will also need to group our data by transaction (InvoiceNo) and item (Description). This will show the quantity of each item purchased. We will then need to sum up these values and unstack them. Finally, we will change the index of the dataframe to the InvoiceNo in order to display the quantity of each item purchased for every transaction. We can do all of these in a single line of code as per below.
Here’s what the first five rows look like. Note that there are currently only zeros in the preview, but if you looked through the entire dataset you’ll notice some other values as well. Our next task is to hot encode our data. To do this, we can create a simple function to convert any values above zero to a 1, and any zeros to 0. We can then apply the function using the applymap() method.
The final step in the data preparation stage is to remove all invoices that have only one item. Since we’re analyzing items bought together, a single-item invoice will be of no use to us.
We’re now down to 15376 rows of data, a decrease of 7.65% from the 16649 we had after hot encoding. This means 92.35% of the data represents two or more transactions. Now that the data is prepared and properly structured, we can begin performing our market basket analysis.
Applying the apriori algorithm
In this section, we will apply the apriori algorithm to find the most frequently purchased items in the dataset. For our minimum support value, we will specify 3%, which means only items whose frequency of occurrence in the data is at least 3% will be returned.
From the results, we can see that the “White hanging Heart T-Light Holder” is the most frequently purchased item with a support value of 0.121358, meaning it was purchased in 12% of all transactions.
Applying association rules
The final step in our analysis is to generate the rules with their corresponding support, confidence, and lift. From this, we can then extract useful information about which items are more likely to be purchased together.
Based on the results from implementing association rules, we can see that “Roses Regency Teacup and Saucer” and “Green Regency Teacup and Saucer” have the highest “lift” value, and therefore the highest association of any two products. With a combined support of 0.0309, it means both items were purchased together in 3.09% of all transactions.
As far as what marketing strategy to implement with this insight, that will depend on a variety of factors and is a perfect example of how domain knowledge in retail will come in handy. Given that this is an online store, it’s a no-brainer to display each consequent product as a recommendation on the antecedent product page, thereby using the popularity of one product to drive the sales of the other. Another way to attract more sales is to bundle the associated products and implement a bundle pricing technique or a sales promotion around both items.
In this article, we successfully implemented market basket analysis on a retail dataset using the apriori algorithm and association rules. The great part of this process is that it is relatively easy to implement and interpret, the result of which can be used to make data-driven, strategic marketing decisions. In addition to its usefulness to retailers, market basket analysis is also applicable in other domains, such as in the manufacturing industry for predictive analysis on equipment failure, in the pharmaceutical industry for the discovery of co-occurence relationships among diagnosis and active ingredients, and in finance for fraud detection.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the article and that you learned something new. If you do have any suggestions, comments, or questions, feel free to add a comment . All the best in your data journey!