#COnner Kahn
#I learned about comparison operators
# not operator
print("not True = ", not True)
print("not False = ", not False)
# and operator
print("False and False = ", False and False)
print("False and True = ", False and True)
print("True and False = ", True and False)
print("True and True = ", True and True)
# or operator
print("False or False = ", False or False)
print("False or True = ", False or True)
print("True or False = ", True or False)
print("True or True = ", True or True)
print("True and not False =", True and not False)
print("False or not True = ", False or not True)
# [ ] Use relational and/or arithmetic operators with the variables x and y to write:
# 3 expressions that evaluate to True (i.e. x >= y)
# 3 expressions that evaluate to False (i.e. x <= y)
x = 84
y = 17
# 3 expressions generating True
print(x > y)
print(x>= y)
print(x != y)
# 3 expressions generating False
print(x == y)
print(y > x)
print(y != y)
# [ ] Use the basic Boolean operators with the variables x and y to write:
# 3 expressions that evaluate to True (i.e. not y)
# 3 expressions that evaluate to False (i.e. x and y)
x = True
y = False
# 3 expressions generating True
print(not y)
print(x or not y)
print(x or y)
# 3 expressions generating False
print(not x)
print(x and y)
print(y or y)
# Testing if x is outside the range [10, 20]
x = 11
(x < 10) or (x > 20)
# Testing if x is outside the range [10, 20]
x = 50
(x < 10) or (x > 20)
# Testing if x is a positive and odd number
x = 11
(x > 0) and (x % 2 != 0)
# Testing if x is a positive and odd number
x = -11
(x > 0) and (x % 2 != 0)
# Testing if x is a positive and odd number
x = 22
(x > 0) and (x % 2 != 0)
# Driver information
name = 'Colette'
age = 17
# Testing if name starts with `C` and the age is 18 or less
(name.startswith('C')) and (age <= 18)
# Driver information
name = 'John'
age = 17
# Testing if name starts with `C` and the age is 18 or less
(name.startswith('C')) and (age <= 18)
# [ ] Write an expression to test if x is an even number outside the range [-100, 100]
# Test your expression with:
#x = 104
#x = 115
#x = -106
x = -99
print( (x>100)or(x<-100))
# [ ] Write an expression to test if a string s starts and ends with a capital letter
# HINT: You might find the function `str.isupper()` useful
# Test your expression with
#s = "CapitaL"
s = "Not Capital"
print(s[0].isupper and s[-1].isupper())
# [ ] Write an expression to test if a string s contains a numerical value
# then test if the value is greater than the value stored in x
# HINT: Use the functions `s.isnumeric()` and `float(s)`
# Test your expression with
#s = "39"
#x = 24
# Expression should yield True
s = "a39"
x = 24
# Expression should yield False
if s.isnumeric():
s = int(s)
x = 11
(x >= 10) and (x <= 20)
x = 30
(x >= 10) and (x <= 20)
x = 11
not((x < 10) or (x > 20))
x = 30
not((x < 10) or (x > 20))
# [ ] Write an expression equivalent to the one below to
# test if x is outside the range [10, 20] (seen in a previous example)
# (x < 10) or (x > 20)
# Test your expression with
#x = 11
x = 50
# [ ] Write a second expression to test if x is an even number outside the range [-100, 100]
# Do NOT use the expression you wrote for a previous exercise
# Test your expression with:
#x = 104
#x = 115
#x = -106
x = -99
# Solicit user input
x = input("Enter an odd positive number: ")
# Convert the string input into int
x = int(x)
# Test number for validity
if ((x > 0) and (x % 2 != 0)):
print(x, "is a valid number")
print(x, "is NOT a valid number")
# Solicit user input
y = input("Enter your birth year: ")
# Convert the string input into int
y = int(y)
# Check the decade membership
if (y < 1970):
print("You were born before 1970!")
elif (y >= 1970 and y < 1980):
print("You were born in the 70s!")
elif (y >= 1980 and y < 1990):
print("You were born in the 80s!")
elif (y >= 1990 and y < 2000):
print("You were born in the 90s!")
elif (y >= 2000 and y < 2010):
print("You were born in early 2000s!")
print("You were born in the current decade!")
# [ ] Write a program to validate that user input is outside the range [0, 100]
while True:
y = input("Please input an integer")
if y.():
y = int(y)
print("Sorry that is not an integer")
# [ ] Write a program to ask a user for her/his BMI index, then display the user's BMI category
while True:
bmi = input("please input your BMI")
bmi = float(bmi)
except ValueError:
print("sorry that is not a valid input")
break #This here makes sure the value is a valid one
if bmi < 18.5:
print("You are underweight")
elif bmi >= 18.5 and bmi < 25:
print("You are normal weight")
elif bmi >= 25 and bmi <30:
print("You are overweight")
elif bmi>=30:
print("You are obese") #this code is very self explainatory