Analysis by Grant Amount Bins
Analysis by Grant Amount Bins This section loops through each grant amount bin and performs focused analysis on grants in that bin.
For each bin, it generates:
Analyzing each bin separately reveals insights and trends specific to grants of those size ranges. The funder preference heatmaps show if funding priorities shift for larger or smaller grants. The word clouds highlight description differences across the bins.
By segmenting the analysis into the grant amount bins, we can compare and contrast patterns between the small and large grants. Looping through each bin automates generating the same set of visualizations for each one.
This drill-down by grant size provides a more nuanced view compared to analyzing the full data together. The amount clusters help simplify the analysis and avoid results being dominated by the large grants.
Expanded Heatmap Analysis
This expands the heatmap analysis to explore grant amounts across multiple categories beyond just strategy and population.
It loops through each grant amount bin, and for each bin:
This provides a comprehensive view into funder preferences across different dimensions for grants of varying sizes. The multiple heatmaps enable comparing how priorities shift between categories and across the grant amount bins.
Automating the heatmap creation across categories and bins makes it easy to generate a suite of visualizations to thoroughly analyze the data from multiple angles.
The log scaling continues to improve dynamic range visualization. And filtering to the top funders and categories simplifies the charts to focus on the most relevant segments.
Together this expanded analysis provides a detailed drill-down into the grant amount data to extract insights across funders, categories, and grant sizes.