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Making an Executable Paper with the Python in Heliophysics Community to Foster Open Science and Improve Reproducibility
1 Introduction
2 Method
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# pySPEDAS imports
import pyspedas
# PyTplot imports
import pytplot
from pytplot import tplot
# SpacePy imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import spacepy.coordinates
import spacepy.empiricals
import spacepy.time
import spacepy.toolbox
# PlasmaPy imports
import plasmapy
from astropy import units as u
# Kamodo imports
from kamodo_ccmc.flythrough import SatelliteFlythrough as S
import kamodo_ccmc.flythrough.model_wrapper as MW
trange = ['2015-10-16/11:30', '2015-10-16/17:00']
def load_mms_data(time_range):
"""Loads MMS MEC, FGM, and FPI data."""
mec_vars = pyspedas.mms.mec(trange=time_range, time_clip=True, probe=1, level='l2', data_rate='srvy', varformat='*_r_gsm') # Cartesian GSM coords
fgm_vars = pyspedas.mms.fgm(trange=time_range, time_clip=True, probe=1, level='l2', data_rate='srvy')
ion_vars = pyspedas.mms.fpi(trange=time_range, datatype=['dis-moms', 'des-moms'], level='l2', data_rate='fast', time_clip=True, center_measurement=True)
return mec_vars, fgm_vars, ion_vars
2.3 Compare MMS Data to an Empirical Model
def spacecraft_magnetopause_calculations(mms_mec_vars):
"""Returns epoch,
distance between spacecraft and magnetopause,
magnetopause's distance from Earth,
spacecraft's distance from Earth,
and solar zenith angle.
data = pytplot.get_data(mms_mec_vars[0])
pos_gsm = data.y
ticks = spacepy.time.Ticktock(data.times, dtype='UNX')
epoch = ticks.UTC
c = spacepy.coordinates.Coords(pos_gsm, 'GSM', 'car', units='km', ticks=ticks)
pos = c.convert('GSE', 'car').data
# Get the Shue coefficients
alpha = [] # Shue flaring angle
standoff = spacepy.empiricals.getMPstandoff(ticks, alpha=alpha) # Shue subsolar standoff
alpha = np.array(alpha)
# Solar zenith angle of s/c position (angle with GSE +x)
sza = np.arctan2(pos[:, 0], np.sqrt((pos[:, :2] ** 2).sum(axis=1)))
# Radial distance to MP along Earth-SC line (application of Shue coefficients)
mp_dist = standoff * (2. / (1 + np.cos(sza))) ** alpha
# Radial distance to SC
sc_dist = np.sqrt((pos ** 2).sum(axis=1)) / 6378
# How far is SC outside of MP?
sc_to_mp = sc_dist - mp_dist
return epoch, pos, sc_to_mp, mp_dist, sc_dist, sza
def find_magnetopause_crossings(sc_to_mp):
"""Returns the indices of elements before which zero crossings occur."""
return np.where(np.diff(np.sign(sc_to_mp)))[0]
mec_vars, fgm_vars, ion_vars = load_mms_data(trange) # loaded Tplot variables are printed as output
epoch, pos, sc_to_mp, mp_dist, sc_dist, sza = spacecraft_magnetopause_calculations(mec_vars)
%matplotlib inline
fig1, axs1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)
fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)
fig3, axs3 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)
fig4, axs4 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)
# Spacecraft distance outside magnetopause
fig1.suptitle('(A) Distance Outside Magnetopause')
axs1.plot(epoch, sc_to_mp)
axs1.set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Re')
crossings = find_magnetopause_crossings(sc_to_mp)
for x in crossings:
axs1.plot(epoch[x], sc_to_mp[x], 'o', label='Crossing')
# Spacecraft and magnetopause locations
fig2.suptitle('(B) Distance From Earth')
l_mp, = axs2.plot(epoch, mp_dist, label='Magnetopause')
l_sc, = axs2.plot(epoch, sc_dist, label='Spacecraft')
axs2.set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Re')
fig2.legend([l_mp, l_sc], [l_mp.get_label(), l_sc.get_label()], loc='right')
# Solar zenith angle
fig3.suptitle('(C) Solar Zenith Angle')
axs3.plot(epoch, np.degrees(sza))
# Spacecraft coordinates
fig4.suptitle('(D) Spacecraft Coordinates')
l_x, = axs4.plot(epoch, pos[:, 0] / 6378, label='x')
l_y, = axs4.plot(epoch, pos[:, 1] / 6378, label='y')
l_z, = axs4.plot(epoch, pos[:, 2] / 6378, label='z')
fig4.legend([l_x, l_y, l_z], [l_x.get_label(), l_y.get_label(), l_z.get_label()], loc='right')
2.4 Augment Comparison with Plasma Parameters
from pyspedas import tinterpol
tinterpol('mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_btot', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_fast')
tinterpol('mms1_des_numberdensity_fast', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_fast')
tinterpol('mms1_des_temppara_fast', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_fast')
tinterpol('mms1_des_tempperp_fast', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_fast')
from pytplot import get_data
fgm_b = get_data('mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_btot-itrp')
dis_n = get_data('mms1_dis_numberdensity_fast')
dis_Tpara = get_data('mms1_dis_temppara_fast')
dis_Tperp = get_data('mms1_dis_tempperp_fast')
des_n = get_data('mms1_des_numberdensity_fast-itrp')
des_Tpara = get_data('mms1_des_temppara_fast-itrp')
des_Tperp = get_data('mms1_des_tempperp_fast-itrp')
dis_T = (dis_Tpara.y + 2*dis_Tperp.y) / 3.0
des_T = (des_Tpara.y + 2*des_Tperp.y) / 3.0
B = fgm_b.y * u.nT
n_i = dis_n.y ***-3
n_e = des_n.y ***-3
T_i = dis_T * u.eV
T_e = des_T * u.eV
Va = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, 'p')
# convert to km / s
Va = / u.s)
# ions
beta_i = plasmapy.formulary.dimensionless.beta(T_i, n_i, B)
# electrons
beta_e = plasmapy.formulary.dimensionless.beta(T_e, n_e, B)
# combined
beta = beta_i + beta_e
n_i = np.float64(n_i.value) * ** -3 # convert values from float32 to float64
d_i = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.inertial_length(n_i, 'p+')
lamda_d = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.Debye_length(T_e, n_e)
omega_ci = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.gyrofrequency(B, 'p', to_hz=True)
r_i = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.gyroradius(B, 'p', T=T_i)
# convert to km
r_i =
DB = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.Bohm_diffusion(T_e, B)
omega_lh = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i, 'p', to_hz=True)
omega_uh = plasmapy.formulary.parameters.upper_hybrid_frequency(B, n_e, to_hz=True)
from pytplot import store_data
store_data('alfven_speed', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': Va})
store_data('plasma_beta', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': beta})
store_data('ion_inertial_length', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': d_i})
store_data('debye_length', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': lamda_d})
store_data('omega_ci', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': omega_ci})
store_data('ion_gyroradius', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': r_i})
store_data('bohm_diffusion_coeff', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': DB})
store_data('omega_lh', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': omega_lh})
store_data('omega_uh', data={'x': fgm_b.times, 'y': omega_uh})
from pytplot import options
options('alfven_speed', 'ytitle', 'Va \\ (' + str(Va.unit) + ')')
options('alfven_speed', 'legend_names', 'Alfvén speed')
options('plasma_beta', 'ytitle', 'Beta')
options('plasma_beta', 'legend_names', 'Plasma Beta')
options('ion_inertial_length', 'ytitle', 'd_i \\ (' + str(d_i.unit) + ')')
options('ion_inertial_length', 'legend_names', 'Ion inertial length')
options('debye_length', 'ytitle', 'Lamda_d \\ (' + str(lamda_d.unit) + ')')
options('debye_length', 'legend_names', 'Debye length')
options('omega_ci', 'ytitle', 'omega_ci \\ (' + str(omega_ci.unit) + ')')
options('omega_ci', 'legend_names', 'Ion gyrofrequency')
options('ion_gyroradius', 'ytitle', 'r_i \\ (' + str(r_i.unit) + ')')
options('ion_gyroradius', 'legend_names', 'Ion gyroradius')
options('bohm_diffusion_coeff', 'ytitle', 'DB \\ (' + str(DB.unit) + ')')
options('bohm_diffusion_coeff', 'legend_names', 'Bohm diffusion coefficient')
options('omega_uh', 'ytitle', 'omega_uh \\ (' + str(omega_uh.unit) + ')')
options('omega_uh', 'legend_names', 'Upper hybrid frequency')
options('omega_lh', 'ytitle', 'omega_lh \\ (' + str(omega_lh.unit) + ')')
options('omega_lh', 'legend_names', 'Lower hybrid frequency')
'mms1_mec_r_gsm']) # Plot a multi-instrument figure
model = 'OpenGGCM_GM'
# Choose input values for ModelFlythrough function call
file_dir = '/root/work/pydata/kamodo/' # full file path to where the model output data is stored
variable_list = ['B_x','B_y', 'B_z'] # list of desired variable names
coord_sys = "GSM-car" # GSM and cartesian because we're using x,y,z from above (see for a description of coordinate types)
output_dir = '/root/work/output/ModelFlythrough/' # directory where the user wants the output stored
file_name = 'OpenGGCMFlythrough' # what the user wants the output files to be named
output_name = output_dir + file_name + ".csv" # output dir plus output file name without extension
plot_coord = 'GSM' # coordinate system chosen for output plots
# Convert to UTC timestamps
from datetime import datetime, timezone
sat_time = [time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() for time in epoch] # times range should be in the model data
# Use MMS trajectory acquired from PySPEDAS/SpacePy
sat_x = pos[:, 0] / 6378
sat_y = pos[:, 1] / 6378
sat_z = pos[:, 2] / 6378
# results = S.ModelFlythrough(model, file_dir, variable_list, sat_time, sat_x, sat_y, sat_z,
# coord_sys, output_name=output_name, plot_coord=plot_coord)
results = S.WO.SF_read(output_name)
# Functionalize flythrough results
kamodo_object = S.WO.Functionalize_SFResults(model,results)
sat_fgm = pytplot.get_data("mms1_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2_bvec")
sat_times = np.array(sat_fgm[0])
sat_B_x = np.array([b[0] for b in sat_fgm[1]])
sat_B_y = np.array([b[1] for b in sat_fgm[1]])
sat_B_z = np.array([b[2] for b in sat_fgm[1]])
# Functionalize MMS data
kamodo_object = S.WO.Functionalize_TimeSeries(sat_times, 'B_xMMS', 'nT', sat_B_x, kamodo_object=kamodo_object)
kamodo_object = S.WO.Functionalize_TimeSeries(sat_times, 'B_yMMS', 'nT', sat_B_y, kamodo_object=kamodo_object)
kamodo_object = S.WO.Functionalize_TimeSeries(sat_times, 'B_zMMS', 'nT', sat_B_z, kamodo_object=kamodo_object)
kamodo_object.plot('B_xMMS', 'B_x')
kamodo_object.plot('B_yMMS', 'B_y')
kamodo_object.plot('B_zMMS', 'B_z')