# [ ] get user input for a variable named remind_me
remind_me = input()
# [ ] print the value of the variable remind_me
remind_me = input()
# use string addition to print "remember: " before the remind_me input string
print("remember " + remind_me)
# [ ] get user input for 2 variables: meeting_subject and meeting_time
# [ ] use string addition to print meeting subject and time with labels
meeting_subject = input("What is the meeting subject?")
meeting_time = input("What is the meeting time?")
print("Meeting Subject:" ,meeting_subject)
print("Meeting Time:" ,meeting_time)
# [ ] print the combined strings "Wednesday is" and "in the middle of the week"
print("Wednesday is","in the middle of the week")
# [ ] print combined string "Remember to" and the string variable remind_me from input above
print("Remember to", remind_me)
# [ ] Combine 3 variables from above with multiple strings
print("Meeting Subject is" ,meeting_subject, "and Meeting time is" ,meeting_time, "and remember to" ,remind_me)
# [ ] print a string sentence that will display an Apostrophe (')
print("I'm feeling good today.")
# [ ] print a string sentence that will display an Apostrophe (')
print("I'm feeling tired today.")
# [ ] complete vehicle tests
vehicle = input("enter vehicle")
print("All Alpha:" ,vehicle.isalpha())
print("All Alpha and Numeric:" ,vehicle.isalnum())
print("All Capitalized:" ,vehicle.istitle())
print("All lower:" ,vehicle.islower())
# [ ] print True or False if color starts with "b"
color = input("enter a color")
print("Starts with b:" ,color.startswith("b"))
# [ ] print the string variable capital_this Capitalizing only the first letter
capitalize_this = "the TIME is Noon."
capital_this = "the TIME is Noon"
# print the string variable swap_this in swapped case
swap_this = "wHO writes LIKE tHIS?"
swap_this = "wHO writes LIKE tHIS?"
# print the string variable whisper_this in all lowercase
whisper_this = "Can you hear me?"
whisper_this = "Can your hear me?"
# print the string variable yell_this in all UPPERCASE
yell_this = "Can you hear me Now!?"
#format input using .upper(), .lower(), .swapcase, .capitalize()
format_input = input('enter a string to reformat: ')
# [ ] get user input for a variable named color
# [ ] modify color to be all lowercase and print
color = input("enter a color")
# [ ] get user input using variable remind_me and format to all **lowercase** and print
# [ ] test using input with mixed upper and lower cases
remind_me = input("What do you need to be reminded of?")
# [] get user input for the variable yell_this and format as a "YELL" to ALL CAPS
yell_this = input("enter a word to yell")
# [ ] get user input for the name of some animals in the variable animals_input
# [ ] print true or false if 'cat' is in the string variable animals_input
animals_input = input("enter some animal names")
print("cat" in animals_input)
# [ ] get user input for color
# [ ] print True or False for starts with "b"
# [ ] print color variable value exactly as input
# test with input: "Blue", "BLUE", "bLUE"
color = input("enter a color")
# project: "guess what I'm reading"
# 1[ ] get 1 word input for can_read variable
# 2[ ] get 3 things input for can_read_things variable
# 3[ ] print True if can_read is in can_read_things
# [] challenge: format the output to read "item found = True" (or false)
# hint: look print formatting exercises
can_read = input("enter something you can read")
can_read_things = input("enter three things you can read")
print("item found:" ,can_read in can_read_things)
# Allergy check
# 1[ ] get input for test
# 2/3[ ] print True if "dairy" is in the input or False if not
# 4[ ] Check if "nuts" are in the input
# 4+[ ] Challenge: Check if "seafood" is in the input
# 4+[ ] Challenge: Check if "chocolate" is in the input
test = input("what kinds of foods have you eaten in the last 24 hours")
print("you ate dairy:",'dairy' in test)
print("you ate nuts:",'nuts' in test)
print("you ate seafood:",'seafood' in test)
print("you ate chocolate",'chocolate' in test)