# [ ] review and run example
tip = "Notebooks can be exported as .pdf"
tip_words = tip.split()
print("STRING:", tip)
print("LIST:", tip_words, "\n")
for word in tip_words:
# [ ] review and run example
rhyme = "London bridge is falling down"
rhyme_words = rhyme.split()
for word in rhyme_words:
# [ ] split the string(rhyme) into a list of words (rhyme_words)
# [ ] print each word on it's own line
rhyme = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water'
rhyme_words = rhyme.split()
for word in rhyme_words:
# [ ] split code_tip into a list and print the first and every other word
code_tip = "Python uses spaces for indentation"
code_tip_list = code_tip.split()
# [ ] review and run example
code_tip = "Python-uses-spaces-for-indentation"
tip_words = code_tip.split('-')
# [ ] review and run example - study the list print output
code_tip = "Python uses spaces for indentation"
# split on "a"
tip_words = code_tip.split('a')
# [ ] review and run example
# triple quotes ''' ''' preserve formatting such as spaces and line breaks
big_quote = """Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after"""
# split on line breaks (\n)
quote_lines = big_quote.split('\n')
print(quote_lines, '\n')
# print the list in reverse with index slicing
for line in quote_lines[::-1]:
# [ ] split poem into a list of phrases by splitting on "*"
# [ ] print each phrase on a new line in title case
poem = "Write code frequently*Save code frequently*Comment code frequently*Study code frequently*"
split_poem = poem.split("*")
for word in split_poem:
# [ ] review and run example
tip_words = ['Notebooks', 'can', 'be', 'exported', 'as', '.pdf']
# join tip_words objects with spaces
print(" ".join(tip_words))
# [ ] review and run example
no_space = ""
letters = ["P", "y", "t", "h", "o", "n"]
# [ ] review and run example - .join() iterates through sequences
dash = "-"
space = " "
word = "Iteration"
ellipises = "..."
dash_join = dash.join(word)
# [ ] .join() letters list objects with an Asterisk: "*"
letters = ["A", "s", "t", "e", "r", "i", "s", "k"]
join_letters = "*".join(letters)
# [ ] complete Choose the separator
phrase_words = ['Jack', 'and', 'Jill', 'went', 'up', 'the', 'hill', 'To', 'fetch', 'a', 'pail', 'of', 'water']
seperator = input("what do you want to use to join words: ")
phrase_words_together = seperator.join(phrase_words)
# [ ] review and run example
hello_letters = list("Hello")
# [ ] review and run example
# cast sting to list
word_letters = list("concatenates")
# .join() concatenates the list
# print on same line setting the end character
# [ ] review and run example
print("Hello ", end = '')
# [ ] review and run example
# This is the default print end
print("Hello World!", end="\n")
print('still something to learn about print()')
# [ ] review and run example
# end inserts any valid str character: A-z, 0-9,!,@,*,\n,\t or ''(empty string)...
for letter in "Concatenation":
print(letter, end='*')
# [ ] use 3 print() statements to output text to one line
# [ ] separate the lines by using "- " (dash space)
print('Be strong and couragous.', end='- ')
print('For the Lord is with you', end='- ')
print('wherever you go.', end='- ')
# [ ] create a string (fact) of 20 or more characters and cast to a list (fact_letters)
# [ ] iterate fact, printing each char on one line, except for spaces print a new line
fact = "All humans have two sections of a brain"
fact_letters = list("All humans have two sections of a brain")
for letters in fact:
if letters == " ":
print(letters, end='')
# [ ] create add the digits
str_value = "12345678987654321234"
str_list = list("12345678987654321234")
sum = 0
for num in str_list:
if num.isdigit():
sum += int(num)
print("string is not all digits")
print("+".join(str_list), "=", sum)