ClinicalTrials Dataset
About Me
Hello, my name is Dhananjay Khazanchi. At the time of creating this notebook, I am a Master's of Data Science student at Illinois Institute of Technology. During my undergrad, I studied business, computer information systems, and computer science. My specialty is data science with a business intelligence focus.
Project Summary
Clinical Trials Dataset Querying
The dataset can be filtered by state (Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are included), primary specialty, and number of clinical trials a doctor has completed. Set the filter to be 'All States' or 'ALL SPECIALTIES' if you don't want a particular filter to apply to the query. If there are over a 10 doctors that meet your specifications, you will see the first 10 with the most clinical trials conducted. If you receive a message saying to broaden your search, no doctors are in the dataset for those specifications.
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