egytech_api Wrapper Showcase
Installs and imports
Install the latest versions of egytech_api and plotly
Run to view results
Import necessary functionality
Run to view results
Fetch Data From The egytech API
Construct The Queries As A List of ParticipantsQueryParams
Run to view results
Initialize The PoolingClient Instance
Run to view results
Generate And Inspect The Resulting pandas.DataFrame
Run to view results
Creating Some Cool Visualizations
Scatter Plot
Here, we create a scatter plot to view salary increase with the increase in experience across three different job titles, namely, "backend", "frontend", and "fullstack".
Run to view results
Here, we notice that, among web developers from a computer science background, back-end engineers often get paid higher than the other two categories of web developers, while also being paid more in lower experience contexts. We also notice that egytech's data contain a few veteran full-stack engineers having >= 15 years of experience, yet being compensated poorly compared to those who are exclusively back-end engineers.
Box Plots
Here, we create a box plot to further inspect the compensation data by title:
Run to view results
We can infer that on average, back-end engineers get paid higher than front-end and full-stack engineers in Egypt. However, there are many more back-end engineers in the data than there are of the other categories, so this could make the data in the smaller samples incorrectly skewed.