# Noemi Cabrera
# 8 October 2021
# In this lab, I practiced using my knowledge about while forever loops by creating different programs
# and writing code to ask for specific input. I incremented and decremented variables in the code. I controlled the
# loops by using boolean string tests and operators. All of thse are helpful to write even more effective code
# and programs.
# The difficulties I had were mostly asociated with the last task where you have to create a function. In the code,
# I asked the user a specific question, which didn't allow me to ask more questions when calling the function as it
# was instructed. To fix this, I placed the parameters' name in the code, which then allowed me to insert any
# question and the correct answer of it.
# [ In this code, the user is asked to enter a number to make a sum. If the user enters a non-digit term such as
# word or space, the loop will break and the sum will be displayed. ] use a "forever" while loop to get user input of integers to add to sum,
# until a non-digit is entered, then break the loop and print sum
sum = 0
while True:
int_input = input("Enter a whole number to make a sum: ")
if int_input.isdigit():
int_input = int(int_input)
sum += int_input
# [ In this code, the user is asked to guess a color in a rainbow. If the the user guessed the color,
# the while loop ends and a message displays. But if the guess is not correct, the user will be asked to enter
# another color until the four guesses run out. ] use a while True loop (forever loop) to give 4 chances for
# input of a correct color in a rainbow
# rainbow = "red orange yellow green blue indigo violet"
correct_color = "violet"
num_guess = 4
while num_guess > 0:
color_guess = input("Guess a color found in a rainbow\n(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet):").lower()
if color_guess == correct_color:
print("You guessed right.\n", correct_color,"is the correct color")
num_guess -= 1
# [ In this code, the user is asked to enter a proper book title. If the format is correct, the loop breaks
# and a message is displayed. But if the title entered is not in the correct format, the user will be asked
# to enter the title again. ]
# Get input for a book title, keep looping while input is Not in title format (title is every word capitalized)
title = ""
while True:
book = input("Enter a correct book title (the first letter of each word should be capitalized): ")
if book.istitle():
print(book, "is in the correct format !")
title += book
# [ In this code, the user is asked to answer a math quiz question. If the user guesses the answer, then while
# loop ends and a message is displayed. But if the user enters the incorrect answer, the loop will keep executing
# until the correct answer is entered. ] create a math quiz question and ask for the solution until the input
# is correct
solution = "84"
while True:
quiz = input("Enter the result of 42 times 2: ")
if quiz.isdigit() != True:
print("You have to enter a number solution. Try again")
elif quiz == solution:
print("\nCongrats!! 84 is correct.")
print("Keep trying")
# [ The error in this code was that the string of the user input is compared to a number, which cannot be done.
# To fix this, I casted the input to string in the variable before it's compared in the while loop and removed
# the int() from the tickets variable when used in the while loop. ]
# review the code, run, fix the error
tickets = int(input("enter tickets remaining (0 to quit): "))
while tickets > 0:
# if tickets are multiple of 3 then "winner"
if tickets/3 == tickets/3:
print("you win!")
print("sorry, not a winner.")
tickets = int(input("enter tickets remaining (0 to quit): "))
print("Game ended")
# This function asks the user to enter the answer to a question that has correct answer. If the user puts in
# the correct answer, then True will be displayed. If not, the user will be asked to try again to get the right
# answer.
# Create quiz_item() and 2 or more quiz questions that call quiz_item()
def quiz_item(question, solution):
answer = input(question)
while True:
if answer == solution:
return True
print("Try again")
answer = input(question)
quiz_item("Are potato chips good for you?","F")
quiz_item("Do you need to eat fruits and veggies?","T")
quiz_item("Do you need to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day?","T")