# Noemi Cabrera
# 8 October 2021
# In this lesson, I learned and practiced creating while forever loops using while and break. Also, incrementing
# variables in a while loop is very useful when you want to add input multiple times and display the result in a
# program. You can control while loops using Boolean operators and string tests.
# The difficulties I had were with creating the program in Task 1. Mostly, I had trouble with printing all the
# animal names entered by the user, if any names were entered. I searched for ways to do this and what worked
# for me was to increment the all_animals variable with a string plus the variable animal_name, which gets
# input. However, I wonder if there is another option to do this.
# [In this code, the while loop will run unless the green_count number is less than 0. The variable greet_count
# is decremented by 1 every time. Once the while loop stops, the print statement below runs.]
# review and run GREET COUNT
greet_count = 5
# loop while count is greater than 0
while greet_count > 0:
print(greet_count, "!")
greet_count -= 1
# [ This program gets user input only for 4 animal names. If the user enters 4 names, the loop breaks and a
# statement with the animals entered is displayed. If the input is only exit, then a stament saying no animals
# were entered will display. Lastly, if the user enters less than four names, a statement saying no more animals
# are added and the names entered by the user are displayed.] Create the Animal Names program, run tests
num_animals = 4
all_animals = ''
while num_animals > 0:
animal_name = input('Please enter the name of an animal or "exit" to leave: ').lower()
if animal_name.startswith("exit"):
print("No more animals entered\n")
all_animals += ' ' + animal_name.title()
num_animals -= 1
if all_animals == '':
print("no animals entered")
print("Animals entered:",all_animals)
# [In this code, a variable is first initialized. Then, the while loop is controlled by using the boolean test
# that checks if the name entered by the user has only alphabetical characters. If this is false, then the code
# will run until a valid name is entered. If this is true, the loop breaks and a statement is displayed. ]
# review and run example that loops until a valid
# first name format is entered
student_fname = ""
while student_fname.isalpha() == False:
student_fname = input("enter student\'s first (Letters only, No spaces): ")
print("\n" + student_fname.title(),"has been entered as first name")
# [ In this program, the boolen string test that checks if the input is digits is used. If the input is all
# digits, the while loop will run and the user will be forever asked to enter a number until the input is not all
# digits and fails the boolean test. ] Create the program, run tests
int_num = input('Enter a number: ')
long_num = ''
while int_num.isdigit():
long_num = long_num + int_num
int_num = input('Enter a number: ')
# [ This code had a logic error since there is no error message but the loop created never runs.
# To fix this, I read through the code and realized that the loop doesn't run because the variable count
# has to be greater than 6 for it to execute. I placed a less than(<) boolean comparison operator before 6
# instead of (>)]
# review the code, run, fix the Logic error
count = 1
# loop 5 times
while count < 6:
print(count, "x", count, "=", count*count)
count +=1