# Noemi Cabrera
# 8 October 2021
# In this project, I created a program that gets input and analyses it. I applied various methods I had learned
# in the past modules and the new one to create a program that can check if the input is a word or integer.
# If it's not, then the user will be asked to enter a valid word or integer until the input is valid and not empty.
# I didn't have any difficulties creating this program.
# [ This program asks te user to enter an integer or word. If the input is a word, a message indicating is a word is displayed
# and the loop breaks. If the input is an integer, a message indicating is an integer is displayed and the loop breaks.
# But if the input is not word, an integer, or is empty, a message indicating that is displayed and the loop runs until
# a valid word or integer is entered.] create, call and test the str_analysis() function
def str_analysis(string):
while True:
string = input("Enter a word or integer: ")
if string.isdigit():
if int(string) > 99:
return print(string +" is a pretty big number")
return print(string +" is a smaller number than expected")
elif string.isalpha():
return print(string + " is all alphabetical characters!")
print(string, "This is not a number or alphabetical character.\n Try Again")