# Noemi Cabrera
# 1 October 2021
# In this lesson, I practiced using nested conditionals, as well as formatting output with the escape
# sequences built in Python. All escape sequences use the backslash(\)
# The difficulties I had were with creating the program in Task 2. My program didn't do what I wanted.
# At first, when writing the if/else condition for the function, I used the word pass in some of the nested
# conditions I created, which skipped some of the steps needed. Then, I realized I could put an if statement
# below the first if statement I created, which solved the problem I had.
# [ In this code, the \n escape sequence is used. This creates a new line after Hello World! ]
# review and run example using \n (new line)
print('Hello World!\nI am formatting print ')
# [ In this code, the \t escape sequence is used. This creates a tab or space in between the string and
# the variables used in this code.] review and run code using \t (tab)
student_age = 17
student_name = "Hiroto Yamaguchi"
print("STUDENT NAME\t\tAGE")
print(student_name,'\t' + str(student_age))
# [ In this code, the \" , \', and \\ escape sequences are used. The backslash is used before a single or
# double quote to display it. If a backslash is used twice, one backslash will display. ] review and run code
# using \" and \' (escaped quotes)
print("\"quotes in quotes\"")
print("I\'ve said \"save your notebook,\" so let\'s do it!")
# using \\ (escaped backslash)
print("for a newline use \\n")
# This code uses the escape sequences \" and \\ to display the message. To display quotes, \" is used.
# To display a backslash, \\ is used.
print( "\"\\\\WARNING!///\"")
# This code uses the escape sequences \" and \' to display quotes when printing the string.
print( "\"What\'s that?\" isn\'t a specific question." )
# This code usea \n to put the rest of the string next to it in a new line. The \t sequence adds a tab(space)
# in between the words.
#[ This program asks the user to enter a word that starts with "pre".
# The pre_word() function returns true if the word entered starts with "pre" and only has alphabet letters,
# and false if it doesn't.
# When the pre_word() function is called, the if/else statement is used to print if the word entered was
# valid or not. ] create and test pre_word()
word = input("Enter a word that starts with \"pre\": ").lower()
def pre_word(pre):
if word.startswith("pre"):
if word.isalpha():
return True
return False
return False
if pre_word("press") == False:
print("What you entered is not a valid \"pre\" word")
print("You have succesfully entered a word that starts with \"pre\"")
# [ This code displayed a syntax error. The error was that the escape sequence \n was not used within the string
# and instead was added with the + sign. To fix this, I combined the 2 strings in one and then I added \n in
# between the words Hello and World..] review, run, fix - comment your fixes