# Noemi Cabrera
# 27 September 2021
# In this lesson, I learned to compare strings. It's important to remember "A" is less than "B" and lowercase "a"
# is greater than uppercase "A". ALso, you can do this in if/else statements to help you write programs
# effectively.
# The difficulties I had were with writing the program in the last task. At first, I created a variable that got
# input from the user and then I defined the function, which had an if/else statement. Either my program
# displayed an error or it displayed what I didn't want.
# After many tries, I figured out I had to include the return keyword in the if/else statements, and that I had
# use the parameters I defined in the function's code without assigning them a value so that they could be
# assigned a value when calling the function.
# [This comparison displays False because lowercase is always greater than uppercase]
# review and run code
"hello" < "Hello"
# [This comparison displays False because alphabetically A is less than Z, not greater.]
# review and run code
"Aardvark" > "Zebra"
# This comparison displays True because lowercase is not equal to upper case.
# review and run code
'student' != 'Student'
# This code compares 'student'and 'Student' by using >= and !=. Both comparisions display true because student
# is greater than Student, and it's not equal to Student.
# review and run code
print("'student' >= 'Student' is", 'student' >= 'Student')
print("'student' != 'Student' is", 'student' != 'Student')
# [In this code, the (==) sign is used to check if the 2 statements are equal. Since they are, True
# will display] review and run code
"Hello " + "World!" == "Hello World!"
# This code displays the results of comparing the variable msg and the string "Hello".
# The == sign checks if they are equal and since they are, True displays.
msg = "Hello"
print(msg == "Hello")
# This code displays the results of testing if msg (input from user) equals the variable greeting.
# Since the user is asked to say "Hello", both variables should contain "Hello, and they would be equal to each
# other. Therefore, True displays"
greeting = "Hello"
msg = input('Say "Hello "')
print('msg string equals greeting string: ', msg == greeting)
# [ In this code, msg is compared to "save the notebook" in an if/else statement. The (==) sign checks if they
# are equal to each other. The msg variable is converted to lower case, which makes the two string equal to
# each other. ] review and run code
msg = "Save the notebook"
if msg.lower() == "save the notebook":
print("message as expected")
print("message not as expected")
# [ In this code, msg is compared to prediction in an if/else statement. The (==) sign checks if they
# are equal to each other. The msg and prediction variables are converted to lower case, which makes the two equal
# to each other. ] review and run code
msg = "Save the notebook"
prediction = "save the notebook"
if msg.lower() == prediction.lower():
print("message as expected")
print("message not as expected")
# This code asks the user for the result of the sum 8+13. If the user, enters the correct answer, the if statement
# will display. If the user enters the incorrect answer, the else statement will display.
answer = input('What is 8 + 13?: ')
if answer == "21":
print( "You're correct. The answer is 21" )
print("Your answer is incorrect")
# This program get user input for a True/False question and displays whether the user was correct or incorrect.
# First, tf_quiz is defined and it returns correct or incorrect depending on what the user entered.
# Then, this function is called with the requested arguments, which are a question and the correct answer.
# An statement saying if the user was correct is displayed.
def tf_quiz(question, correct_ans):
answer = input(question)
if answer.upper() == correct_ans:
quiz_eval = tf_quiz("(T/F) Plants grow without water", "F")
print("your answer is", quiz_eval)