from import loadmat
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
oneDPoly = loadmat('1D_poly.mat')
x_train = oneDPoly['x_train'][0]
y_train = np.array([y[0] for y in oneDPoly['y_train']])
y_fresh = np.array([y[0] for y in oneDPoly['y_fresh']])
def main():
n = len(x_train) #random estimate of max n used
errors = np.zeros(n-1)
for d in range(n -1):
# Formulating the x data
D = d + 1
for i in range(D + 1):
if i == 0:
Xf = np.array([1] * len(x_train)) #first column of 1's
Xf = np.vstack([np.power(x_train, i), Xf]) #succeeding columns of xn**D
Xf = Xf.T #convert to column
# Using least squares to train and create the weights
#w = lstsq(Xf, y_train)
w = np.linalg.solve(Xf.T @ Xf, Xf.T @ y_train)
# predicting y using weights (trained on those y's as well though)
y_pred = Xf @ w
# measuring training error
errors[d] = (np.linalg.norm(y_train - y_pred)**2) / n
plt.xlabel('Polynomial Degree')
plt.ylabel('Training Error')
if __name__ == "__main__":
def main():
n = len(x_train) #random estimate of max n used
errors_train = np.zeros(n-1)
errors_fresh = np.zeros(n-1)
for d in range(n -1):
# Formulating the x data
D = d + 1
for i in range(D + 1):
if i == 0:
Xf = np.array([1] * len(x_train)) #first column of 1's
Xf = np.vstack([np.power(x_train, i), Xf]) #succeeding columns of xn**D
Xf = Xf.T #convert to column
# Using least squares to train and create the weights
#w = lstsq(Xf, y_train)
w = np.linalg.solve(Xf.T @ Xf, Xf.T @ y_train)
# predicting y using weights (trained on those y's as well though)
y_pred = Xf @ w
# measuring training error
errors_train[d] = (np.linalg.norm(y_train - y_pred)**2) / n
# measuring training error
errors_fresh[d] = (np.linalg.norm(y_fresh - y_pred)**2) / n
plt.ylim([0, 6])
plt.plot(errors_train[:n-2], label='train')
plt.plot(errors_fresh[:n-2], label='fresh')
#Zoomed in plot
plt.ylim([0, 6])
plt.xlim([2, 6])
plt.plot(errors_train, label='train')
plt.plot(errors_fresh, label='fresh')
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = loadmat('polynomial_regression_samples.mat', squeeze_me=True)
x_attributes = data['x']
y_flyingtime = data['y']
folds = 4
Dcount = 5
Lambda = 0.1
def assemble_feature(x, D):
x should be an Nx5 dimensional numpy array, where N is the number of data points
D is the maximum degree of the multivariate polynomial
n_feature = x.shape[1]
Q = [(np.ones(x.shape[0]), 0, 0)]
i = 0
while Q[i][1] < D:
cx, degree, last_index = Q[i]
for j in range(last_index, n_feature):
Q.append((cx * x[:, j], degree + 1, j))
i += 1
return np.column_stack([q[0] for q in Q])
def fit(D, Lambda):
N_train = int((len(x_attributes)*(folds-1))/folds)
N_valid = int(len(x_attributes)-N_train)
Errors_train, Errors_valid = np.zeros(folds), np.zeros(folds)
for fold in range(4):
valid_x = currattribute_x[fold * N_valid:(fold+1)*N_valid]
valid_y = y_flyingtime[fold * N_valid:(fold+1)*N_valid]
train_x = np.delete(currattribute_x, list(range(fold * N_valid, (fold+1)*N_valid)), axis=0)
train_y = np.delete(y_flyingtime, list(range(fold * N_valid, (fold+1)*N_valid)))
w = np.linalg.solve(train_x.T @ train_x + Lambda * np.eye(train_x.shape[1]), train_x.T @ train_y)
Errors_train[fold] = np.mean((train_y - train_x @ w)**2)
Errors_valid[fold] = np.mean((valid_y - valid_x @ w)**2)
return np.mean(Errors_train), np.mean(Errors_valid)
def main():
errors_train, errors_valid = np.zeros(Dcount), np.zeros(Dcount)
for d in range(Dcount):
global currattribute_x
currattribute_x = assemble_feature(x_attributes, d+1)
errors_train[d], errors_valid[d] = fit(d+1, Lambda)
print('Avg train error:', errors_train)
print('Avg valid error:', errors_valid)
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = loadmat('polynomial_regression_samples.mat', squeeze_me=True)
x_attributes = data['x']
y_flyingtime = data['y']
folds = 4
Dcount = 5
Lambda = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2]
currattribute_x = 0
def main():
errors_train, errors_valid = np.zeros((Dcount, len(Lambda))), np.zeros((Dcount, len(Lambda)))
for d in range(Dcount):
global currattribute_x
currattribute_x = assemble_feature(x_attributes, d+1)
for i in range(len(Lambda)):
errors_train[d, i], errors_valid[d, i] = fit(d+1, Lambda[i])
print('Avg train error:', errors_train)
print('Avg valid error:', errors_valid)
D, i = np.unravel_index(errors_valid.argmin(), errors_valid.shape)
print("D =", D+1, ", lambda =", Lambda[i])
if __name__ == "__main__":