import pandas as pd
# Loading in the data
pulls_one = pd.read_csv('datasets/pulls_2011-2013.csv')
pulls_two = pd.read_csv('datasets/pulls_2014-2018.csv')
pull_files = pd.read_csv('datasets/pull_files.csv')
# Append pulls_one to pulls_two
pulls = pd.concat([pulls_one, pulls_two], ignore_index=True)
# Convert the date for the pulls object
pulls['date'] = pd.to_datetime(pulls['date'], utc=True)
# Merge the two DataFrames
data = pulls.merge(pull_files, on='pid')
%matplotlib inline
# Create a column that will store the month
data['month'] = data['date'].dt.month
# Create a column that will store the year
data['year'] = data['date'].dt.year
# Group by the month and year and count the pull requests
counts = data.groupby(['year', 'month'])['pid'].count()
# Plot the results
counts.plot(kind='bar', figsize = (12,4))
##### Required for matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
# Group by the submitter
by_user = data.groupby('user')['pid'].count()
# Plot the histogram
# Identify the last 10 pull requests
last_10 = pulls_two.nlargest(10, 'pid')
# Join the two data sets
joined_pr = last_10.merge(pull_files, on='pid')
# Identify the unique files
files = set(joined_pr['file'])
# Print the results
# This is the file we are interested in:
file = 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Calculate.scala'
# Identify the commits that changed the file
file_pr = data[data['file'] == file]
# Count the number of changes made by each developer
author_counts = file_pr.groupby('user')['pid'].count()
# Print the top 3 developers
file = 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Calculate.scala'
# Select the pull requests that changed the target file
file_pr = pull_files[pull_files['file'] == file]
# Merge the obtained results with the pulls DataFrame
joined_pr = file_pr.merge(pulls, on='pid')
# Find the users of the last 10 most recent pull requests
users_last_10 = set(joined_pr.nlargest(10, 'date')['user'])
# Printing the results
%matplotlib inline
# The developers we are interested in
authors = ['xeno-by', 'soc']
# Get all the developers' pull requests
by_author = pulls[pulls['user'].isin(authors)]
# Count the number of pull requests submitted each year
counts = by_author.groupby(['user', by_author['date'].dt.year]).agg({'pid': 'count'}).reset_index()
# Convert the table to a wide format
counts_wide = counts.pivot_table(index='date', columns='user', values='pid', fill_value=0)
# Plot the results
authors = ['xeno-by', 'soc']
file = 'src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/phases/Calculate.scala'
# Select the pull requests submitted by the authors, from the `data` DataFrame
by_author = data[data['user'].isin(authors)]
# Select the pull requests that affect the file
by_file = by_author[by_author['file'] == file]
# Group and count the number of PRs done by each user each year
grouped = by_file.groupby(['user', by_file['date'].dt.year]).count()['pid'].reset_index()
# Transform the data into a wide format
by_file_wide = grouped.pivot_table(index='date', columns='user', values='pid', fill_value=0)
# Plot the results