print("I will inject a value here: %s" %'blue')
print("I will pass multiple value in here: %s" %'blue','red')
color = 'blue'
print('my favorite color is %s' %color)
print("I want to show this in quotes %r" %'blue')
print("I am not sure what will happen here %s" %'blue \tred')
print("I figured it out %r" %'blue \tred')
print('this is a string: %s' %5)
print('this is an int: %d' %6)
print('show this value: %5.2f' %1111111.345678)
print('show this number: %.20f' %1234.2284950219210490249402914021942109)
print('show this number: %3.6f' %32.1234567)
print('show this number: %1.1f' %123.39485)
print('show this number: %d and this string: %s' %(45,'apple'))
'string here {} and also {}'.format('something', 75)
print('{1}, {2}, {0}'.format('buns', 'hot', 'crossed'))
print('object 1: {a}, object 2: {b}, object 3: {c}'.format(a=45, b = 46, c = 47))
print('I will same the same thing {a} {a}'.format(a = 'twice'))
print('{0:5} | {1:5}'.format('six digits', 'eleven did not work'))
print('{0:<4} | {0:^4}'.format('to the left', 'above you'))
print('{0:=<8} | {0:-^8} | {1:.>7}'.format('this', 'is', 'confusing'))
print('format function is way better {0:12.2f}'.format(134.65784))
name = 'lou'
print(f"this is much easier {name}")
print(f"still pretty easy {name!r}")
num = 76.12
print(f"I am back to being confused {num:{10}.{6}}")
print(f"I get an error when the first digit isn't 0 {num:{10}.{6}}")
print(f"format is still my favorite {0:10.4f}".format(num))