import pandas as pd
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# We will store the orders table csv data in a variable
# Tabs are used as the separating character in this file
file_path = '/work/mtcars.csv'
file = pd.read_csv(file_path)
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# Use the head method to investigate the first row of data
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# Create a dataframe to view the column names and data types
df = pd.DataFrame(file)
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# Use the shape attribute to determine the amount of rows and columns total
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# Use the .columns property to list out the column names
# Use the property to identify the index
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# Provide a dictionary to the rename method to rename any columns
# The inplace flag determines whether to modify the original dataframe
df.rename(columns = {'mpg': "Miles Per Gallon", 'cyl': 'cylinders'}, inplace = True)
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# Explore columns with column attributes and methods
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# Import the products.csv dataset and explore the following questions:
products = pd.read_csv(link)
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# A. What are the columns and index: do they suggest any relationship to other tables?
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# B. How many rows of data are there?
print(f" This dataframe has {products.shape[1]} rows of data")
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# C. What are the types of each column?
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# Let's return to the orders dataset for the rest of the challenges
# Use boolean filtering and DataFrame/DataSeries methods to solve the following challanges:
orders = pd.read_csv(link)
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print(f' Mean: {orders[orders["ship_mode"] == "Second Class"]["profit"].mean()}')
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# C. Which products were ordered on the busiest day?
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# A. Who is the top customer?
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# B. What are the three top orders purchased by top customer?
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