Netflix Data Analysis
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('/work/netflix_titles.csv', encoding='ISO-8859-1')
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#cleaning bad columns
df = df[['show_id', 'type', 'title', 'director', 'cast', 'country', 'date_added',
'release_year', 'rating', 'duration', 'listed_in', 'description']]
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#turning date_added into a date
df['date_added'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_added'], format='mixed')
Run to view results
# Extract the year and create a new column
df['year_added'] = df['date_added'].dt.year
Run to view results
Netflix Appears to have more movies than tv shows
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Has that been trending in a particular direction?
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We see that way more movies are added each year and that content spiked after 2015
What is the breakdown by genre?
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We can see that tv-ma is the most popular rating
What is the relationship between length of movie and rating?
movie_df = df[df['type'] == 'Movie']
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movie_df['duration'] = movie_df['duration'].astype(str).str.replace(' min', '')
movie_df['duration'].dropna(inplace = True)
movie_df['duration'] =movie_df['duration'].astype(float)
Run to view results
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