!apt update -y
!apt install ffmpeg -y
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FFMpegWriter
# Defines our kinematic tree
class KinematicTreeNode:
def __init__(self): # Constructor
self.translation = None
self.rotation = None
self.child = None
# Define our rotation matrix
def RotZ(theta):
c = np.cos(theta)
s = np.sin(theta)
return np.array([[c, -s],[s, c]])
# Function that returns the End-effector position
# Takes the base link and returns the end-effector position
def EndEffectorPos(X):
if X.child == None: # This is the last node in this branch of the tree
return X.translation
else: # Return the transformed end effector position
return X.translation + np.matmul(RotZ(X.rotation),EndEffectorPos(X.child))
# FORWARD KINEMATICS (Returns the positions of ALL the joints, not just the end-effector)
# Takes the base link and returns the position of all joints in a list
# Base link is first, then in order out to the end effector
# Returns a matrix where the first column is the coordinates of the first joint, second column is second joint, etc.
def GetAllJoints(X):
if X.child == None:
return X.translation
returned_joints = GetAllJoints(X.child)
temp, translate = np.meshgrid(returned_joints[0,:], X.translation)
transformed_joints = np.matmul(RotZ(X.rotation),returned_joints)+translate
list_of_joints = np.hstack((X.translation, transformed_joints))
return list_of_joints
# Build the tree
base = KinematicTreeNode()
L1 = KinematicTreeNode()
L2 = KinematicTreeNode()
L3 = KinematicTreeNode()
dt = 0.01
t_vec = len(np.arange(0,10,dt))
joint_position = []
for i in np.arange(0,10,0.01):
base.translation = np.array([[0],[0]], dtype=float) # translation to the joint
base.rotation = 0.1*np.sin(i) # rotation of the joint
L1.translation = np.array([[1],[0]], dtype=float)
L1.rotation = 0.2*np.sin(i)
L2.translation = np.array([[1],[0]], dtype=float)
L2.rotation = 0.3*np.sin(i)
L3.translation = np.array([[1],[0]], dtype=float)
L3.rotation = 0
# Loop for Inverse Kinematics with Newton-Raphson
base.child = L1
L1.child = L2
L2.child = L3
L3.child = None
("This shows that the GetAllJoints command works")
joint_pos = np.array(joint_position)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p1, = ax.plot([], [], color='black', linewidth=2)
lb, ub = -5, 5
ax.set_xlim([lb, ub])
ax.set_ylim([lb, ub])
ax.set_xlabel('X') # X Label
ax.set_ylabel('Y') # Y Label
ax.set_title('Forward Kinematics:')
video_title = "simulation"
x_pendulum_arm = joint_pos[-0 , 0 ]
y_pendulum_arm = joint_pos[-0 , 1 ]
p1.set_data(x_pendulum_arm, y_pendulum_arm)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Create a plot on those axes, which is currently empty
p, = ax.plot([],[], color='black',linewidth=2) # initializes an empty plot
lb, ub = -5, 5
ax.set_xlim([lb, ub])
ax.set_ylim([lb, ub])
ax.set_xlabel('X') # X Label
ax.set_ylabel('Y') # Y Label
ax.set_title('Forward Kinematics:')
video_title = "Question 1 simulation"
FPS = 20
sample_rate = int(1 / (FPS*dt))
dpi = 300 #Quality of video
writerObj = FFMpegWriter(fps=FPS)
simulation_size = t_vec
# Plot and Create Animation:
with writerObj.saving(fig, video_title+".mp4", dpi):
# We want to create video that represents the simulation
# So we need to sample only a few of the frames:
for i in range(0, simulation_size, sample_rate):
# Update Pendulum Arm:
x_data_points = [joint_pos[i ,0 ]]
y_data_points = [joint_pos[i , 1 ]]
# We want to avoid creating new plots to make an animation (Very Slow)
# Instead lets take the plot we made earlier and just update it with new data.
p.set_data(x_data_points, y_data_points) # Update plot with set_data
# Update Pendulum Patch:
#patch_center = x_bead[i], y_bead[i]
#c.center = patch_center # Same idea here, instead of drawing a new patch update its location
# Update Drawing:
fig.canvas.draw() # Update the figure with the new changes
# Grab and Save Frame:
# We can also run it inline with the following block of code:
from IPython.display import Video
Video("/work/HW2/Question 1 simulation.mp4", embed=True, width=640, height=480)
# You can find the video's path by right clicking on it in Notebooks & Files
# and selecting "Copy path to clipboard"