import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rdkit
from rdkit.Chem import Draw, Lipinski, Crippen, Descriptors
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import rdMolDraw2D
from IPython.display import SVG
mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles('Cn1cnc2n(C)c(=O)n(C)c(=O)c12')
# The following code draws the molecule in 2D - we won't worry about this utility too much moving forward.
# The important idea is that we now have a Mol object that describes one of our favorite molecules.
d2d = rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(350,300)
# We can iterate over all atoms in the molecule to generate certain atom-level properties.
# Note that the order in which the atoms are index depends on the SMILES string used to generate the molecule...
# Luckily there are relatively few cases where we'll need to know individual atom indices.
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
print(atom.GetAtomicNum(), atom.GetHybridization(), atom.GetFormalCharge())
# Notice that there are no hydrogens included by default. If we want to add hydrogens, we must do so explicity:
mol_with_Hs = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol)
print("With added hydrogens:")
for atom in mol_with_Hs.GetAtoms():
print(atom.GetAtomicNum(), atom.GetHybridization(), atom.GetFormalCharge())
# We can also calculate molecular properties
# Implement your encode_molecule() function here:
def encode_molecule(SMILES_string):
"""Given a SMILES string return a list of molecular encodings
SMILES_string: A string representing the SMILE string of the molecule
mol_encoding: A list of molecule features
mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES_string)
mol = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol)
mol_encoding = []
return mol_encoding
delaney_processed = pd.read_csv('delaney-processed.csv', sep=',')
smile_strings = delaney_processed["smiles"].to_list()
molecule_features = np.array([encode_molecule(smile_string) for smile_string in smile_strings])
esol = delaney_processed['measured log solubility in mols per litre'].to_numpy()
print(molecule_features.shape) # Some sanity checks
num_data_points = len(esol) # This is a useful variable to have around
class Node():
"""Defines a single Node in the decision tree. Note that initializing a Node on a set of data and targets will grow an entire tree based on that data
min_size: The minimum size of a split data set that will spawn a child node. Recommend 6 (i.e. splits of size < 6 return a concrete value)
feature_index: An int indicating the feature index containing the attributes upon which the split is decided
threshold: A float indicating the threshold for splitting
left_output: The output of the node if a test point falls at or below the threshold in its feature index
right_output: The output of the node if a test_point falls above the threshold in its feature index
def __init__(self, min_size, data, targets):
self.min_size = min_size
self.feature_index, self.threshold, self.left_output, self.right_output = self.grow_tree_from_data(data, targets)
def SDR(self, left_targets, right_targets):
""" Calculates the standard deviation reduction caused by the splitting of a data set.
This is calculated as std(all data) - sum(p(split_data)*std(split_data)).
Returns 0 if left_targets or right_targets is empty (i.e. has length 0)
left_targets, right_targets: The split data
SDR: The standard deviation reduction or 0 if left_targets or right_targets is 0
if len(left_targets) == 0 or len(right_targets) == 0:
return 0
all_targets = np.concatenate((left_targets, right_targets))
all_SD = np.std(all_targets)
SDR = all_SD - 1/len(all_targets) * (np.std(left_targets) * len(left_targets) + np.std(right_targets) * len(right_targets))
return SDR
def grow_tree_from_data(self, data, targets):
""" Grows a random decision tree by assigning attributes to this node and spawning child nodes, if necessary.
data, targets: the attributes and targets of the data passed to the node
A fully-featurized node
# Randomly choose n/3 indices to be visible to this node.
visible_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(np.shape(data)[1]), size = int(np.shape(data)[1]/3), replace = False)
#Start keeping track of split performance
best_SDR = None
best_index = None
best_threshold = None
#Systematically try every possible split on the visible indices and store the best result (as measured by SDR)
for index in visible_indices:
for value in data[:, index]:
left_targets = targets[np.where(data[:,index] <= value)]
right_targets = targets[np.where(data[:,index] > value)]
trial_SDR = self.SDR(left_targets, right_targets)
if (best_SDR == None or best_SDR < trial_SDR):
best_SDR = trial_SDR
best_index = index
best_threshold = value
# See what the data looks like after the optimal split
best_left_data = data[np.where(data[:,best_index] <= best_threshold)]
best_right_data = data[np.where(data[:,best_index] > best_threshold)]
best_left_targets = targets[np.where(data[:,best_index] <= best_threshold)]
best_right_targets = targets[np.where(data[:,best_index] > best_threshold)]
# Return the mean of the targets if the resulting split data is small enough; otherwise generate a new node to split the data further
if len(best_left_targets) == 0:
left_output = np.mean(best_right_targets) # No split has occured
elif len(best_left_targets) < self.min_size or best_SDR == 0:
left_output = np.mean(best_left_targets)
left_output = Node(self.min_size, best_left_data, best_left_targets)
if len(best_right_targets) == 0:
right_output = np.mean(best_left_targets) # No split has occured
elif len(best_right_targets) < self.min_size or best_SDR == 0:
right_output = np.mean(best_right_targets)
right_output = Node(self.min_size, best_right_data, best_right_targets)
return best_index, best_threshold, left_output, right_output
def predict(self, data_point):
"""Predicts the target value of a data point passed to this node
data_point: The data point passed to this node
The predicted target value, either from this node or from an eventual terminal child node
if data_point[self.feature_index] <= self.threshold:
if isinstance(self.left_output, float): # If this is a terminal node
return self.left_output
return self.left_output.predict(data_point)
if isinstance(self.right_output, float): # If this is a terminal node
return self.right_output
return self.right_output.predict(data_point)
## Write a function to bootstrap sampling
def take_bootstrap_sample(data, targets):
"""Given a data set, takes a sample of len(data) data points, with replacement
data, targets: The input data points
targets: The target values of the input data
selected_indices: The list of indices selected for the bootstrapped sample
data[selected_indices]: The bootstrapped data sample
targets[selected_indices]: The bootstrapped target values
selected_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(data)), size = len(data), replace=True)
return selected_indices, data[selected_indices], targets[selected_indices]
# Implement Random Tree
class RandomTree():
"""A random tree grown during using the CART algorithm. A full dataset is passed to the tree and it is grown on a bootstrapped sample.
min_size: A node must be at least this big to split further
data: The full, unboostrapped data set on which to grow the tree
targets: The full, unboostrapped targets on which to grow the tree
def __init__(self, min_size, data, targets):
self.selected_indices,, self.targets = take_bootstrap_sample(data, targets) # Take a bootstrap sample
self.root_node = Node(min_size,, self.targets) # Grow a tree from that bootstrapped sample
def predict(self, data_point):
"""Predicts a value for a given data point
data_point: The data point to be predicted
prediction: The predicted value of the data point
return self.root_node.predict(data_point)
#Check out the results on the first 20 ESOL samples
sample_tree = RandomTree(6, molecule_features, esol)
for i in range(20):
print(sample_tree.predict(molecule_features[i]), esol[i])
## Plant a random forest here:
class RandomForest():
"""A forest built out of CART trees.
n_trees: The number of trees in the forest
data: The dataset upon which the forest is grown
targets: The target values of the data
tree_list: A list for holding each tree object in the forest
def __init__(self, n_trees, min_size, data, targets):
self.n_trees = n_trees = data
self.targets = targets
self.tree_list = []
print("Planting Trees...")
for i in range(self.n_trees): # Grow a tree n_trees times and store it in tree_list
self.tree_list.append(RandomTree(min_size, data, targets))
def predict_point(self, data_point):
""" Predicts the target value of a point by averaging the prediction from each tree in the forest
data_point: The data point whose target value is to be predicted
mean_prediction: The mean prediction by all the trees
votes = []
for tree in self.tree_list:
return np.mean(votes)
def calculate_out_of_bag_error(self, data, targets):
"""Calculates the out-of-bag error for the random forest. This is the mean-squared-error for each data point as predicted only by the trees
in the forest who did not see that data point in their bootsrapped training set.
data, targets: The data and targets upon which the tree was trained
obg_error The out-of-bag error
predictions = []
for index in range(len(data)):
votes = []
for tree in self.tree_list:
if index not in tree.selected_indices:
if len(votes) == 0:
None_indices = np.where(predictions == np.array(None))
predictions = np.delete(predictions, None_indices)
targets = np.delete(targets, None_indices)
return np.mean(np.square(np.array(predictions) - targets))
my_forest = RandomForest(100, 6, molecule_features, esol)
# Check out your results here
for i in range(20):
print(my_forest.predict_point(molecule_features[i]), esol[i])
print(my_forest.calculate_out_of_bag_error(molecule_features, esol))
def empirical_encoding(SMILES_string):
"""Given a SMILES string return an estimate of log(Solubility) based on empirical model in Delaney paper
SMILES_string: A string representing the SMILE string of the molecule
esol: The estimated log(Solubility) based on Delaney Paper
mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES_string)
mol = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol)
mol_encoding = []
mol_encoding.append(len(list(mol.GetAromaticAtoms())) / mol.GetNumHeavyAtoms())
esol = np.matmul(mol_encoding, np.array([-0.63, -0.0062, 0.066, -0.74])) + 0.16
return esol
smile_strings = delaney_processed["smiles"].to_list()
esol_predictions = np.array([empirical_encoding(smile_string) for smile_string in smile_strings])
print(np.mean(np.square(esol_predictions - esol)))