# [] create Element_Quiz
!curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftLearning/intropython/master/elements1_20.txt -o elements1_20.txt
elements = open("elements1_20.txt", "r")
elementsltxt = elements.read().lower()
elementslist = elementsltxt.split("\n") #curling the list and formatting it
def elementsquiz(): #defining funciton
points = 0
attempts = 5
correctinputslist = []
incorrectinputslist = [] #setting up variables
while True:
playerinput = input("Name one of the first twenty elements in the periodic table")
playerinput = playerinput.lower()
while playerinput in correctinputslist:
if (playerinput in correctinputslist): #this part of the function takes...
print("no duplicates please!") #...the input and makes sure it isnt a duplicate
playerinput = input("Name one of the first twenty elements in the periodic table")
playerinput = playerinput.lower()
if playerinput not in correctinputslist:
if (playerinput in elementslist): #if answer is correct
points += 1
print("good job")
correctinputslist.append(playerinput) #adding input to a list of answers that can't be chosen again
else: #if answer is incorrect
print("sorry that is incorrect")
attempts -= 1 #form of loop termination
if attempts <= 0: #if the player is out of times the loop terminates
print(points * 20, "% correct") #showing % correct
print("Answers found:", correctinputslist) #showing correct answers
print("incorrect answers:", incorrectinputslist) #showing incorrect answers