#Conner Kahn
#I combined all of my skills
!curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftLearning/intropython/master/world_temp_mean.csv -o meantemp.txt
meantempfile = open("meantemp.txt", "a+")
meantempfile.write("\nRio de Janeiro,Brazil,30.0,18.0") #Importing the file, putting it append mode, and adding more
# [] create The Weather
meantempfile = open("meantemp.txt", "r") #putting it in read mode
headings = meantempfile.readline().split(',') #splitting the first line
for item in meantempfile: #for loop
listitem = item.split(",") #splitting each item
print(headings[2], "for", listitem[0], "is", listitem[2], "Celcius") #printing each item