priority = [2, 6, 1, 7,10,8,5]
time = [30,200,20,70,120,60,150]
# define number of tasks: don't hardwire this but rather use the len() command
n_tasks = len(priority)
max_time = 480
for task in range(0,n_tasks):
print (f" {task + 1} {priority[task]} {time[task]}")
# you need to add an appropriate for loop here and modify the next print statement so that you can print out all tasks
test_list = [ 4, 5, 3, 7, 11, 2]
max_value = max(test_list) # use function max() to find maximum value in list
max_index = test_list.index(max_value) # use method list.index () to find the index where this max occurs
print (f"The Max value is: {max_value} and the Index is: {max_index}") # print out results in formatted statement
test_list = [ 4, 5, 3, 7, 11, 2]
time_list = [30, 45, 20, 120, 90, 70 ]
max_value = max(test_list)
max_index = test_list.index(max_value)
task_time = time_list[max_index] # input the time it takes to complete this task
print(f"The Max value is: {max_value} and the Index is: {max_index} the max Time it would take is: {task_time}") # print out values as in Step #2 plus the time it takes to complete task
max_time = 6 * 60 # this is not the maximum time available for your example but rather for testing
time_used = 3 * 60
# Following 6 statements are from Step 3
test_list = [ 4, 5, 3, 7, 11, 2]
time_list = [30, 45, 20, 120, 90, 70 ]
max_value = max(test_list)
max_index = test_list.index(max_value)
task_time = time_list[max_index]
print(f"The Max value is: {max_value} and the Index is: {max_index} the max Time it would take is: {task_time}")
# Add conditional to see if this task can be completed in the allotted time
if (task_time < max_time ) :
updated_time = time_used + task_time
print(f"task can be completed updated used time is {updated_time} ")
print("Cannot complete")
# if conditional is true, i.e., task can be completed update time_used
# add print statements
# Input problem specific data and print it out from Step 1
priority = [ 2, 6, 1, 7, 10, 8, 5]
time = [30,200,20,70,120,60, 150]
n_tasks = len(priority)
max_time = 480
total_time = 0
curr_p = 0
curr_t = 0
# Initialize any variables before loop
# add for loop to go through all tasks
for task in range(0,n_tasks):
max_p = max(priority)
i = priority.index(max_p)
t = time[i]
total_time = total_time + t
print (f" {task + 1} {max_p} {t}")
if (curr_t + t <= max_time):
print(f"Do task {task + 1} with time of: {t} ")
curr_t = curr_t + t
print(f"Time used on this task was {t} and the Priority was {max_p} The time remaining is {max_time-curr_t}")
print(f"Task {task + 1} cannot be completed in the alloted time" )
priority[i] = 0
print(f"Total time used for all task: {total_time}")
# find highest priority left and task number it corresponds to from Step 3/4
# zero out this entry in the priority list so you won't find it again
# add conditional to check to see if task can be completed as in Step 4
# Print out the total time used for all tasks in day 1
priority = [ 2, 6, 1, 7, 10, 8, 5]
time = [30,200,20,70,120,60, 150]
n_tasks = len(priority)
max_time = 480
total_time = 0
curr_p = 0
curr_t = 0
# Initialize any variables before loop
# add for loop to go through all tasks
for task in range(0,n_tasks):
max_p = max(priority)
i = priority.index(max_p)
t = time[i]
total_time = total_time + t
print (f" {task + 1} {max_p} {t}")
if (curr_t + t <= max_time):
print(f"Do task {task + 1} with time of: {t} ")
curr_t = curr_t + t
print(f"Time used on this task was {t} and the Priority was {max_p} The time remaining is {max_time-curr_t}")
if (curr_t == max_time):
print(f"Task {task + 1} cannot be completed in the alloted time" )
priority[i] = 0
print(f"Total time used for all task: {total_time}")
# find highest priority left and task number it corresponds to from Step 3/4
# zero out this entry in the priority list so you won't find it again
# add conditional to check to see if task can be completed as in Step 4
# if this conditional is satisfied then add another conditional to check if time_used = max_time; if so break out of loop
# Print out the total time used for all tasks in day 1
# Input problem specific data
old_priority = [ 2, 6, 1, 7, 10, 8, 5]
time = [30,200,20,70,120,60, 150]
# n_tasks =
# Create new priority list containing ratios
priority = [] # initialize the list which contains the new priorities which are original priority divided by
# time it takes to complete this task
# add for loop to create this list
# use method .append() to create elements of the new priority list
# Remainder of code should be the same; this is because we called the new list which contained the ratios the same as
# before.