The above visualization is comparing the bill length and flipper length, both in millimeters, of 3 different penguin species: Adelie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo. The x-axis represents flipper length and the y-axis represents bill length. One thing to note is that the x and y axes do not start at 0. The x-axis begins at 170 and has units of 10 until it reaches 230; the y-axis begins at 30 and increases by 10 until 60.
The visualization is a scatterplot made from geom_point(). The chart also includes a linear line of best fit for each of the different species, made from geom_smooth(). Each of the three species is clearly differentiated on the chart by a different color and shape of the points for each of the species. Each point also has a slight transparency to them.
There were a few aspects of the visualization I was unable to reproduce. For one, the aspect ratio / dimensions are slightly different. I tried changing the dimensions using the figure_size parameter in the theme() function. but I could not get it to exactly match. Another thing I couldn't reproduce was the subtitle. I tried using the subtitle parameter in the labs() function, but I got an error for this. Instead, I just used \n to create a new line in the title parameter. I could not figure out how to change the size of the specific line as a possible workaround either. Also, I couldn't get the title to go all the way to the left on the graphic, I was only able to get it to go as far left as the y-axis with the hjust parameter. Overall, the fonts, sizes, and positions may be slightly different from the original as well.