1. Create a network
In the beginning I will create the edgelist and work a bit with them, before I move on to the node list.
Generate network objects for the companies organizational structure (reports to), friendship, advice
So as I have worked and figured a bit out between the edgelists, I will continue to work on my nodelist.
2. Analysis
A: Network level characteristics. Find the overal network level of: Density
A: Network level characteristics. Find the overal network level of: Transistivity (Clustering Coefficient)
A: Network level characteristics. Find the overal network level of: Reciprocity
Are relationships like friendship and advice giving usually reciprocal?
Are friends of your friends also your friends? - No idea.
Are the employees generally more likely to be in a friendship or advice-seeking relationship?
Who is most popular in the networks. Who is the most wanted friend, and advice giver?
Are managers in higher hirarchy more popular as friend, and advice giver?