#Import libreries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
out = 0
#The main function
def draw_Ed_Bow(U1,U2, Xmax, Ymax, Xmin=10**(-6), Ymin=10**(-6), Utility_Show = False, Num_ind = 10,Xlab ="X",Ylab="Y",e=200, Contract_draw=True,AlPoint = None,colors =["black","Orange", "blue","red"],Utility_draw = True):
Input :
U1: Utility of the 1st agent (must depend on 2 variables)
U2: Utility of the 2nd agent (must depend on 2 variables)
Xmax : the limit of the box
Ymax: the limit of the box
Xmin=10**(-6): the limit of the box (default: set to ~0 to avoid problems with log expressions)
Ymin=10**(-6): the box limit (default: set to ~0 to avoid problems with log expressions)
Utility_Show = False: Show utility levels on the Edgeworth box
Num_ind = 10 : Number of indifference curves per agent
e = 200 : Number of steps to compute the utility levels and the contract curve
Contract_draw = True: Draw the contract curve
AlPoint = None : show an allocation point and his 2 indifference curves. Should be a tuple/list (x,y)
colors = ["black","Orange", "blue","red"] : To choose the color of : [ContractCurve, endowment point, indifference curves Agent1, indifference curves agent2]
Utility_draw = True : Draw the indefrence curves
None (but draws the Edgeworth box)
delta = min((Xmax-Xmin)/e,(Ymax-Ymin)/e)
x = np.arange(Xmin, Xmax, delta) #Tomates
y = np.arange(Ymin, Ymax, delta) #courgettes
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z1 = lambda x,y : U1(x,y)
Z2 = lambda x,y : U2(Xmax-x,Ymax-y)
#the contract curve
Num_ind_1 = Num_ind
Num_ind_2 = Num_ind
if Contract_draw == True:
Z2grad = np.gradient(Z2(X,Y))
Z1grad = np.gradient(Z1(X,Y))
global out
out = (Z2grad[0]*Z1grad[1]-Z2grad[1]*Z1grad[0])
Cont = plt.contour(X,Y,out,colors=colors[0],levels=[0])
fmt = {}
strs = ["Contract curve"]
for l, s in zip(Cont.levels, strs):
fmt[l] = s
plt.clabel(Cont, Cont.levels, inline = True,
fmt = fmt, fontsize = 10)
C_curv = abs(pd.DataFrame(out ,index=y, columns=x))
C_curv = C_curv.index @ (C_curv == C_curv.apply(min))
xC_curv = np.arange(Xmin,Xmax,(Xmax-Xmin)/(Num_ind+1))
C_curv = np.interp(xC_curv,C_curv.index,C_curv)
Num_ind_1 = pd.Series(Z1(xC_curv,C_curv)).sort_values(ascending=True)
Num_ind_2 = pd.Series(Z2(xC_curv,C_curv)).sort_values(ascending=True)
#Draw the dotation point and his curves
if AlPoint != None:
plt.scatter(AlPoint[0],AlPoint[1],s=200,marker=".",color = colors[1],label="Allocation point")
Num_ind_1 = [Z1(AlPoint[0],AlPoint[1])]
Num_ind_2 = [Z2(AlPoint[0],AlPoint[1])]
#draw the indifference curve
if Utility_draw == True:
C1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z1(X,Y),colors = colors[2],levels=Num_ind_1)
C2 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z2(X,Y),colors = colors[3],levels=Num_ind_2)
if Utility_Show == True:
fmt = {}
strs = round(pd.Series(C1.levels[:]),1)
for l, s in zip(C1.levels, strs):
fmt[l] = s
plt.clabel(C1, C1.levels, inline = True,
fmt = fmt, fontsize = 10)
#Utility level2
fmt = {}
strs = round(pd.Series(C2.levels[:]),1)
for l, s in zip(C2.levels, strs):
fmt[l] = s
plt.clabel(C2, C2.levels, inline = True,
fmt = fmt, fontsize = 10)
plt.title("Edgeworth box")
#Utility of 1st agent (depend on X,Y):
U1 = lambda c,n : c**0.5 * n**0.5
#Utility of 2nd agent (depend on X,Y):
U2 = lambda c,n : c**0.5 * n**0.5
draw_Ed_Bow(U1,U2,18,30,colors=["k","Orange", "lightblue","mistyrose"],Num_ind=3)
#Utility of 1st agent (depend on X,Y):
U1 = lambda c,n : c**0.3 * n**0.7
#Utility of 2nd agent (depend on X,Y):
U2 = lambda c,n : c**0.5 * n**0.5
draw_Ed_Bow(U1,U2,18,30,colors=["k","Orange", "lightblue","mistyrose"],Num_ind=3)
#Utility of 1st agent (depend on X,Y):
U1 = lambda c,n : c**0.7 * n**0.3
#Utility of 2nd agent (depend on X,Y):
U2 = lambda c,n : c**0.5 * n**0.5
draw_Ed_Bow(U1,U2,18,30,colors=["k","Orange", "lightblue","mistyrose"],Num_ind=3)
#Utility of 1st agent (depend on X,Y):
U1 = lambda n,c :n + 2*(c)
#Utility of 2nd agent (depend on X,Y):
U2 = lambda c,n : n**0.5 * c**0.5
draw_Ed_Bow(U1,U2,30,18,colors=["k","Orange", "lightblue","mistyrose"],Num_ind=3)