Sentiment Analysis of Deepnote Socials 💻
In this data app, Deepnote's market trends on social media will be explored by analyzing discussions and mentions across platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Hacker News, Reddit, Stackoverflow, GitHub, and LinkedIn, and their associated sentiment.
In the graph below, a filter was set for the period between April and June, where the number of posts about Deepnote can be seen with a granularity of one week.
In the code snippet bellow the NTKL library is used - it provides tools for processing text.
Positive (close to 1), neutral (around zero), and negative (close to -1).
Good sentiment (0.3644)
I believe Deepnote is best in class here, I know you said you've tried it, but there's really nothing better on the market. Maybe hyperquery? But they are shutting down.
Neutral sentiment (0)
Bad sentiment (-0.7883)
week intro deepnote changes
deepnotehq hey keep getting problem loading projects list projects failed go loaded error cant access projects please help fix
In the graphs below, the sentiment trends in the dataset spanning from March to July 2024 are analyzed. The first graph illustrates the average sentiment score over time, plotted monthly. This line graph provides an overview of how sentiment fluctuates throughout the specified period. The second visualization, a histogram, shows the distribution of sentiment scores across the dataset. In the third pie chart, the percentage representation of positive, neutral, and negative sentiments is shown.
Calculation of the percentage representation of positive, neutral, and negative sentiment:
In the graph below, the average sentiment for the social networks Reddit, Twitter, Stack Overflow and HackerNews can be seen - covering the period from March to July 2024.
This analysis dugs into what people are saying about Deepnote on social media - using NLP and VADER sentiment analysis. The results show that overall, the sentiment is quite positive—it looks like folks really like what we're doing! This feedback gives us a good vibe about how Deepnote is perceived and how engaged users are online. 🥳🎉