import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
%matplotlib inline
# set some global parameters for the model
l = 20 # number of spins per dimension
n = l*l # total number of spins
h = 0. # external field
J = 1. # strength of the spin-spin coupling
# let's use units in which k_B = 1.
Tc = 2.269 # critical temperature for 2D Ising with J=1, h=0, k_B=1.
T = 2.0 # initial temperature
beta = 1/T # initial value of beta
# functions to initialize the configuration
def init_lattice(l):
return 2*np.random.randint(2, size=(l,l))-1
def draw_lattice(lattice_conf):
# sum over the neighbors of spin i
# note that we use "periodic boundary conditions" so a spin at the right edge is
# "neighboring" the a spin on the left edge. This ensures that there are not boundary effects.
def compute_neighsum(lattice_conf, i, j):
neighsum = lattice_conf[(i+1)%l,j]
neighsum += lattice_conf[(i-1)%l,j]
neighsum += lattice_conf[i,(j+1)%l]
neighsum += lattice_conf[i,(j-1)%l]
return neighsum
# compute the total energy for the lattice model
def compute_energy(lattice_conf):
energy = 0.
for i in range(l):
for j in range(l):
energy += -h * lattice_conf[i,j]
energy += -0.5 * J * compute_neighsum(lattice_conf,i,j) * lattice_conf[i,j] # factor of 2 because the pair i,j is visited twice in the loop
return energy
def compute_delta_e(lattice_conf, i, j):
# implement this function!
# return the energy difference associated with flipping
# the spin indexed by i,j
# Note: you do not need to compute the total energy!
energy_difference = (-h * -lattice_conf[i,j]) - (-h * lattice_conf[i,j])
energy_difference += (-0.5 * J * compute_neighsum(lattice_conf,i,j) * -lattice_conf[i,j]) - (-0.5 * J * compute_neighsum(lattice_conf,i,j) * lattice_conf[i,j])
return energy_difference
def monte_carlo_step(lattice_conf, beta):
# select a random site to flip
i,j = np.random.randint(l, size=2)
# compute the energy difference of flipping spin i,j
delta_e = compute_delta_e(lattice_conf,i,j)
# TODO! accept or reject the move using the Metropolis criterion
p_acc = np.minimum(1, np.e**(-1 * beta * delta_e))
if np.random.random(1)[0] <= p_acc:
lattice_conf[i,j] *= -1
return lattice_conf
return lattice_conf
def run_mc_sweep(lattice_conf, beta):
for attempt in range(n):
lattice_conf = monte_carlo_step(lattice_conf, beta)
return lattice_conf
def run_trajectory(lattice_conf, n_sweeps, beta):
traj = np.zeros([n_sweeps, l, l],
for sweep in range(n_sweeps):
lattice_conf = run_mc_sweep(lattice_conf, beta)
traj[sweep] = lattice_conf
return traj
# example plotting the initial lattice
conf = init_lattice(l)
# run a trajectory with 1000 mc sweeps
n_sweeps = 1000
traj = run_trajectory(conf, n_sweeps, beta)
# You can run this function to visualize the trajectory
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
im = ax.imshow(traj[0]) # set initial display dimensions
def animate_func(i):
return [im]
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate_func)
def average_m(lattice_conf):
mag = 0.
for i in range(l):
for j in range(l):
mag += lattice_conf[i,j]
return mag/n
def compute_running_m(traj, burn_in):
step_averages = np.zeros(traj.shape[0]-burn_in)
for i in range(traj.shape[0]-burn_in):
step_averages[i] = average_m(traj[i+burn_in])
running_average= np.zeros(traj.shape[0]-burn_in)
for i in range(traj.shape[0]-burn_in):
j= i
while (j >= 0):
running_average[i] += step_averages[j]
j += -1
running_average[i] = running_average[i]/(i+1)
return running_average
def compute_m(traj, burn_in):
m = compute_running_m(traj,burn_in)[-1]
return m
def compute_avg_e(traj, burn_in=100):
step_energies = np.zeros(traj.shape[0]-burn_in)
for i in range(traj.shape[0]-burn_in):
step_energies[i] = compute_energy(traj[i+burn_in])
average_energy = np.mean(step_energies)
return average_energy
def compute_var_e(traj, burn_in):
step_energies = np.zeros(traj.shape[0]-burn_in)
for i in range(traj.shape[0]-burn_in):
step_energies[i] = compute_energy(traj[i+burn_in])
squared_energies = np.square(step_energies)
average_squared_energies = np.mean(squared_energies)
average_energy = np.mean(step_energies)
squared_average_energy = average_energy**2
Cv = (T**(-2)) * ( average_squared_energies - squared_average_energy)
return Cv
# TODO, plot the running average <M> as a function of the number of samples
y= compute_running_m(traj,0)
plt.title('Average Magnitization as a function of the number to samples')
plt.ylabel('Average Magnitization')
plt.xlabel('Number of Samples')
u= compute_running_m(traj,100)
plt.title('Average Magnitization as a function of the number to samples with a burn in of 100')
plt.ylabel('Average Magnitization')
plt.xlabel('Number of Samples')
# Example, compute the average of <M> for h in the range(-0.5, 0.5)
beta = 1/T
hs = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 10)
ms = np.zeros(10)
for h_field in hs:
h = h_field
conf = init_lattice(l) # important to reinitialize
traj = run_trajectory(conf, 500, beta)
ms[i] = compute_m(traj, burn_in=100)
# TODO plot <M> vs. h
plt.title('Average Magnitization as a function of h')
plt.ylabel('Average Magnitization')
# make sure to set h=0!
#Since beta = 1/T Cv = 1/T^2(<E^2>-<E>^2)
Ts = np.linspace(1.0, 4.0, 10)
es = np.zeros(10)
var_es = np.zeros(10)
for Temp in Ts:
T = Temp
conf = init_lattice(l)
traj = run_trajectory(conf, 500, 1/T)
es[i] = compute_avg_e(traj, 100)
var_es[i] = compute_var_e(traj, 100)
# TODO plot <E> vs T
plt.title('Average Energy as a Function of Temperature')
plt.ylabel('Average Energy')
# TODO using the relation between var(E) and C_v, plot C_v vs. T
plt.title('Heat Capacity as a function of Temperature')
plt.ylabel('Heat Capacity')
I'm not sure what exactly is wrong with my graph of Cv but I know it should peak at the critical temperature which is not what it is currently doing.