Homework 1
# Modelbased Computational Methods of Robotics
# Homework Assignment 1
# Due Date: 02/01/22
# Written By: 389622-MOD-HW1
# This code block installs ffmpeg to your Deepnote Machine
# Allows Deepnote to write MP4
!apt update -y
!apt install ffmpeg -y
# Import some libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
from numpy.linalg import inv
from matplotlib.animation import FFMpegWriter
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle, PathPatch
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
Problem 1: Bead on a Wire
######## Problem 1 ########
# Bead on a Frictionless Parabolic Wire
# Define parameters
m = 1 # mass (kg)
g = 9.8 # gravity (m/s^2)
# Define time vector for simulation
dt = 0.001 # time step (s)
sim_time = 10 # length of simulation (s)
t_vec = np.arange(0,sim_time,dt) # simulate for ten seconds
# Define vectors that will hold our state variables over time
vec_size = len(t_vec) # we use this a lot so let's store it
x_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dx_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
y_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dy_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
lambda_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
# initialized to zeros
Part a: Equations of Motion
### Part a ###
# Equations of Motion
# Worked out on paper :)
# Our equations of motion from E-L and the constraint (y = x^2)...
# m(ddx) + 0(ddy) - 2x(lambda) = 0
# 0(ddx) + m(ddy) + 1(lambda) = -mg
# -2x(ddx) + 1(ddy) + 0(lambda) = 2(dx)^2
# In matrix form (Aw = b)...
# A = [ m 0 -2x
# 0 m 1
# -2x 1 0]
# b = [ 0
# -mg
# 2(dx)^2]
Part b: Simulation
### Part b ###
# Simulate System using Euler's Method
# Initial Conditions
# one per state variable
x_vec[0] = -1 # (m)
dx_vec[0] = 0 # (m/s)
# y = x^2, dy = 2*x
y_vec[0] = x_vec[0] ** 2 # (m)
dy_vec[0] = 2*x_vec[0] # (m/s)
# Initialize A and b matrices:
A = np.array([[m,0,2],[0,m,1],[2,1,0]]) # use '2' as placeholders for elements that will iterate
b = np.array([0,-m*g,2]) # use '2' as placeholders for elements that will iterate
# Euler's Integration Loop using Matrix form (Aw = b)
for i in range(1, vec_size):
# Update necessary elements of A array for each integration
A[0,2] = -2*(x_vec[i-1])
A[2,0] = -2*(x_vec[i-1])
# Update necessary elements of b array for each integration
b[2] = 2*((dx_vec[i-1]) ** 2)
# Create 'w' vector that will have unknowns
[ddx, ddy, lambda_] = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
# Use ddx and ddy to solve:
x_vec[i] = x_vec[i-1] + dx_vec[i-1]*dt
y_vec[i] = (x_vec[i]) ** 2
# y_vec[i] = y_vec[i-1] + dy_vec[i-1]*dt
dx_vec[i] = dx_vec[i-1] + ddx*dt
dy_vec[i] = 2*((x_vec[i]) ** 2)
# dy_vec[i] = dy_vec[i-1] + ddy*dt
# Store the constraint force values in lambda_vec
lambda_vec[i] = lambda_
# Plot the Simulation
# plot x position
plt.plot(t_vec,x_vec, color='c')
plt.ylabel("X Position (m)")
plt.title('Bead on a Wire Simulation')
# plot y position
plt.plot(t_vec,y_vec, color='m')
plt.ylabel("Y Position (m)")
# plot lambda
plt.plot(t_vec,lambda_vec, color='cornflowerblue')
plt.ylabel("Constraint Force")
# label x axis
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
# show the plot
Part c: Animation
# ### Part c ###
# Animate the Simulation
# Create Animation:
# Setup Figure:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p, = ax.plot([], [], color='royalblue')
ax.set_xlim([-5, 5])
ax.set_ylim([-.1, 1.25])
ax.set_title('Bead on a Wire Animation:')
title = "beadonwire"
# Setup Animation Writer:
FPS = 20
sample_rate = int(1 / (dt * FPS)) # Real Time Playback
dpi = 300
writerObj = FFMpegWriter(fps=FPS)
# Draw Parabolic Wire
x_curve = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
y_curve = x_curve ** 2
# this makes arbitrary parabola with range of x_vec from simulation
# Draw Bead
# Initialize Patch: # Draw a circle of radius 0.05 at (X, Y) location of the IC's
c = Circle((-1, 1), radius=0.05, color='cornflowerblue')
ax.add_patch(c) # Add the patch to the axes
# this adds arbitrary patch to arbitrary parabola
# Animate:
with writerObj.saving(fig, title + ".mp4", dpi):
# First, draw the wire
# Draw the bead moving on the curve
for i in range(0, vec_size, sample_rate):
# Update Bead Patch:
patch_center = x_vec[i],y_vec[i]
c.center = patch_center
# Update Drawing:
# Save Frame:
Problem 2: Pendulum-Spring-Slider
######## Problem 2 ########
# Frictionless Pendulum and Spring
# Define parameters
L = 1 # length (m)
m1 = 1 # bob mass (kg)
k = 10 # spring linear stiffness (N/m)
m2 = 2 # frictionless sliding mass (kg)
h = 1.5 # pendulum hinge point from ground (m)
l_0 = 1 # rest length for spring (m)
g = 9.8 # gravity (m/s^2)
# Define time vector for simulation
dt = 0.001 # time step (s)
sim_time = 10 # length of simulation (s)
t_vec = np.arange(0,sim_time,dt) # simulate for ten seconds
# Define vectors that will hold our state variables over time
vec_size = len(t_vec) # we use this a lot so let's store it
x_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dx_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
th_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dth_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
# Define vectors for animation location as well
x1_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
y1_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
x2_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
y2_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
# initialized to zeros
Part a: Equations of Motion
### Part a ###
# Equations of Motion
# Let's use 'sympy' to generate E-L equations
# Create Symbol for Time:
t = sympy.Symbol('t') # creates symbolic variable, t
# Create Generalized Coordinates as a function of time: q = [x,theta]
x = sympy.Function('x')(t)
th = sympy.Function('th')(t)
# Position Equation: r = (x_p,y_p)
r1 = np.array([L*sympy.sin(th), h-L*sympy.cos(th)]) # Position of m1
r2 = np.array([x, 0])
# Velocity Equation: d/dt(r) = [dx_p/dt, dy_p/dt]
v1 = np.array([r1[0].diff(t), r1[1].diff(t)]) # Velocity of m1
v2 = np.array([r2[0].diff(t), 0]) # Velocity of m2 (Python won't differentiate '0', so I hard coded)
# Length of spring: l_s = sqrt(x_p^2+y_p^2) - l_0
l_s = ((r1[0]-r2[0])**2 + r1[1]**2)**(1/2) - l_0
# Energy Equations
T = 1/2 * m1 * np.dot(v1, v1) + 1/2 * m2 * np.dot(v2, v2) # Kinetic Energy
V = m1 * g * r1[1] + 1/2 * k * l_s**2 # Potential Energy (spring is different than general)
L = T - V # Lagrangian
# Lagrange Terms:
dL_dx = L.diff(x)
dL_ddx_dt = L.diff(x.diff(t)).diff(t)
dL_dth = L.diff(th)
dL_ddth_dt = L.diff(th.diff(t)).diff(t)
# Euler-Lagrange Equations: dL/dq - d/dt(dL/ddq) = 0
x_eqn = dL_dx - dL_ddx_dt
th_eqn = dL_dth - dL_ddth_dt
# Replace Time Derivatives and Functions with Symbolic Variables:
replacements = [(x.diff(t).diff(t), sympy.Symbol('ddx')), (x.diff(t), sympy.Symbol('dx')),
(x, sympy.Symbol('x')), (th.diff(t).diff(t), sympy.Symbol('ddth')),
(th.diff(t), sympy.Symbol('dth')), (th, sympy.Symbol('th'))]
x_eqn = x_eqn.subs(replacements)
th_eqn = th_eqn.subs(replacements)
r1 = r1[0].subs(replacements), r1[1].subs(replacements)
r2 = r2[0].subs(replacements), 0
# Simplfiy then Force SymPy to Cancel factorization: [Sometimes needed to use .coeff()]
x_eqn = sympy.simplify(x_eqn)
th_eqn = sympy.simplify(th_eqn)
x_eqn = x_eqn.cancel()
th_eqn = th_eqn.cancel()
# I could not get the lin alg way (Jacob's code) to run correctly,
# so I am just going to create eqns to solve for ddx and ddth from
# here and use them in my Euler integration loop...
ddx_eqn = sympy.solvers.solve(x_eqn,sympy.Symbol('ddx'))
ddth_eqn = sympy.solvers.solve(th_eqn,sympy.Symbol('ddth'))
# Use the outputs of these eqns for the simulation
# ddx = [1.0008009612818e-13*(27712812921102.0*x + 49959983987187.1*(-x + sin(th))*sqrt(0.307692307692308*x**2 - 0.615384615384615*x*sin(th) - 0.923076923076923*cos(th) + 1) - 27712812921102.0*sin(th))/sqrt(0.307692307692308*x**2 - 0.615384615384615*x*sin(th) - 0.923076923076923*cos(th) + 1)]
# ddth = [10.0*x*cos(th) - 5.5470019622523*x*cos(th)/sqrt(0.307692307692308*x**2 - 0.615384615384615*x*sin(th) - 0.923076923076923*cos(th) + 1) - 24.8*sin(th) + 8.32050294337845*sin(th)/sqrt(0.307692307692308*x**2 - 0.615384615384615*x*sin(th) - 0.923076923076923*cos(th) + 1)]
# Generate Lambda Functions for r eqns to use for animation
replacements = (sympy.Symbol('x'), sympy.Symbol('dx'), sympy.Symbol('th'), sympy.Symbol('dth'))
r1 = sympy.utilities.lambdify(replacements, r1, "numpy")
r2 = sympy.utilities.lambdify(replacements, r2, "numpy")
Part b: Simulation
### Part b ###
# Simulate System using Euler's Method
# Initial Conditions
# one per state variable
x_vec[0] = 0 # (m)
dx_vec[0] = 0 # (m/s)
th_vec[0] = 1 # (rad)
dth_vec[0] = 0 # (rad/s)
x1_vec[0], y1_vec[0] = r1(x_vec[0], dx_vec[0], th_vec[0], dth_vec[0])
x2_vec[0], y2_vec[0] = r2(x_vec[0], dx_vec[0], th_vec[0], dth_vec[0])
# Euler Integration Loop
for i in range(1,len(t_vec)):
# Use ddx and ddth eqns from sympy derivation above
ddx = [1.0008009612818e-13*(27712812921102.0*x_vec[i-1] + 49959983987187.1*(-x_vec[i-1]
+ np.sin(th_vec[i-1]))*np.sqrt(0.307692307692308*x_vec[i-1]**2
- 0.615384615384615*x_vec[i-1]*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])
- 0.923076923076923*np.cos(th_vec[i-1]) + 1)
- 27712812921102.0*np.sin(th_vec[i-1]))/np.sqrt(0.307692307692308*x_vec[i-1]**2
- 0.615384615384615*x_vec[i-1]*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])
- 0.923076923076923*np.cos(th_vec[i-1]) + 1)]
ddth = [10.0*x_vec[i-1]*np.cos(th_vec[i-1])
- 5.5470019622523*x_vec[i-1]*np.cos(th_vec[i-1])
- 0.615384615384615*x_vec[i-1]*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])
- 0.923076923076923*np.cos(th_vec[i-1]) + 1)
- 24.8*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])
+ 8.32050294337845*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])/np.sqrt(0.307692307692308*x_vec[i-1]**2
- 0.615384615384615*x_vec[i-1]*np.sin(th_vec[i-1])
- 0.923076923076923*np.cos(th_vec[i-1]) + 1)]
# Use ddx and ddth to solve:
x_vec[i] = x_vec[i-1] + dx_vec[i-1]*dt
th_vec[i] = th_vec[i-1] + dth_vec[i-1]*dt
dx_vec[i] = dx_vec[i-1] + ddx[0]*dt # ddx comes out with a list, let's call first element
dth_vec[i] = dth_vec[i-1] + ddth[0]*dt # ddth comes out with a list, let's call first element
# Animation States:
x1_vec[i], y1_vec[i] = r1(x_vec[i-1], dx_vec[i-1], th_vec[i-1], dth_vec[i-1])
x2_vec[i], y2_vec[i] = r2(x_vec[i-1], dx_vec[i-1], th_vec[i-1], dth_vec[i-1])
# Plot the Simulation
# plot x position
plt.plot(t_vec,x_vec, color='c')
plt.ylabel("X Position (m)")
plt.title('Pendulum-Spring-Slider Simulation')
# plot theta position
plt.plot(t_vec,th_vec, color='m')
plt.ylabel("Theta Position (m)")
# label x axis
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
# show the plot
Part c: Animation
### Part c ###
# Animate the Simulation
# Create Animation:
# Setup Figure: Initialize Figure / Axe Handles
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p1, = ax.plot([], [], color='black', linewidth=2)
p2, = ax.plot([], [], color='black', linewidth=2)
lb, ub = -5, 5
ax.set_xlim([lb, ub])
ax.set_xlabel('X') # X Label
ax.set_ylabel('Y') # Y Label
ax.set_title('Pendulum-Spring-Slider Animation:')
video_title = "pendspringslider"
# Setup Animation Writer:
FPS = 20
sample_rate = int(1 / (dt * FPS))
dpi = 300
writerObj = FFMpegWriter(fps=FPS)
# Initialize Bob Patch
bob = Circle((0, 0), radius=0.2, color='cornflowerblue', zorder=10)
ax.add_patch(bob) # Add patch to plot
# Initialize Slider Patch
width = .75 # width of slider
height = .5 # height of slider
xy_slider = (-width/2,-height/2) # center the slider
slider = Rectangle(xy_slider, width, height, color='cornflowerblue')
ax.add_patch(slider) # Add patch to plot
# Draw Static Objects:
pin_joint = Circle((0, h), radius=0.05, color='black', zorder=10)
# Plot and Create Animation:
with writerObj.saving(fig, video_title + ".mp4", dpi):
for i in range(0, vec_size, sample_rate):
# Draw Pendulum Arm:
x_pendulum_arm = [0, x1_vec[i], x2_vec[i]]
y_pendulum_arm = [h, y1_vec[i], y2_vec[i]]
p1.set_data(x_pendulum_arm, y_pendulum_arm)
# Update Pendulum Patches:
bob_center = x1_vec[i], y1_vec[i]
# slider_center = x2_vec[i], y2_vec[i]
bob.center = bob_center
# slider.center = slider_center
slider.set(xy=(x_vec[i] - width / 2, 0 - height / 2))
# Update Drawing:
# Grab and Save Frame:
Problem 3: Bead on a Praboloid
######## Problem 3 ########
# Bead on a Frictionless Paraboloid
# Define parameters
m = 1 # bead mass (kg)
g = 9.8 # gravity (m/s^2)
# Define time vector for simulation
dt = 0.001 # time step (s)
sim_time = 10 # length of simulation (s)
t_vec = np.arange(0,sim_time,dt) # simulate for ten seconds
# Define vectors that will hold our state variables over time
vec_size = len(t_vec) # we use this a lot so let's store it
x_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dx_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
y_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dy_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
z_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
dz_vec = np.zeros(vec_size)
# initialized to zeros
Part a: Equations of Motion
### Part a ###
# Equations of Motion
# Worked out on paper :)
Part b: Simulation
### Part b ###
# Simulate System using Euler's Method
# Initial Conditions
# one per state variable
x_vec[0] = 1 # (m)
dx_vec[0] = 0 # (m/s)
y_vec[0] = 0 # (m)
dy_vec[0] = 1 # (m/s)
z_vec[0] = (x_vec[0]) ** 2 + y_vec[0] ** 2 # (m)
dz_vec[0] = 2*(x_vec[0]) + 2*(y_vec[0]) # (m/s)
# Initialize A and b matrices:
A = np.array([[m,0,0,2],[0,m,0,2],[0,0,m,1],[2,2,-1,0]]) # use '2' as placeholders
b = np.array([0,0,-m*g,2]) # use '2' as placeholders for elements that will iterate
# Euler Integration Loop
for i in range(1,len(t_vec)):
# Update necessary elements of A array for each integration
A[0,3] = -2*(x_vec[i-1])
A[1,3] = -2*(y_vec[i-1])
A[3,0] = 2*(x_vec[i-1])
A[3,1] = 2*(y_vec[i-1])
# Update necessary elements of b array for each integration
b[3] = 2*((dx_vec[i-1]) ** 2) + 2*((dy_vec[i-1]) ** 2)
# Create 'w' vector that will hold unknowns
[ddx, ddy, ddz, lambda_] = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
# Use ddx and ddy to solve:
x_vec[i] = x_vec[i-1] + dx_vec[i-1]*dt
y_vec[i] = y_vec[i-1] + dy_vec[i-1]*dt
# Define z_vec in terms of x_vec and y_vec
z_vec[i] = (x_vec[i]) ** 2 + y_vec[i] ** 2
dx_vec[i] = dx_vec[i-1] + ddx*dt
dy_vec[i] = dy_vec[i-1] + ddy*dt
# Define dz_vec in terms of x_vec and y_vec
dz_vec[i] = 2*(x_vec[i]) + 2*(y_vec[i])
# Plot the Simulation (x and y)
# plot x position
plt.plot(t_vec,x_vec, color='c')
plt.ylabel("X Position (m)")
plt.title('Bead on a Paraboloid Simulation')
# plot y position
plt.plot(t_vec,y_vec, color='m')
plt.ylabel("Y Position (m)")
# plot z position
plt.plot(t_vec,z_vec, color='cornflowerblue')
plt.ylabel("Z Position (m)")
# label x axis
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
# show the plot
Part c: Animation
### Part c ###
# Animate the Simulation
# Create Animation:
# Setup Figure:
fig = plt.figure()
# ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
p, = ax.plot3D([], [], [], color='royalblue')
# ax.set_aspect('equal') # this does not work
ax.set_xlim([-5, 5])
ax.set_ylim([-5, 5])
ax.set_title('Bead on a Paraboloid Animation:')
title = "beadonparaboloid"
# Setup Animation Writer:
FPS = 20
sample_rate = int(1 / (dt * FPS)) # Real Time Playback
dpi = 300
writerObj = FFMpegWriter(fps=FPS)
# Draw Paraboloid
def f(x, y):
return x ** 2 + y ** 2
x_parab = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
y_parab = np.linspace(-.5, .5, 100)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_parab, y_parab)
Z = (X) ** 2 + Y ** 2
ax.plot_wireframe(X,Y,Z, color='gray')
# this is an arbitrary paraboloid
# Initialize the Bead
x_bead = x_vec[0]
y_bead = y_vec[0]
z_bead = z_vec[0]
ax.scatter(x_bead, y_bead, z_bead)
# Animate:
with writerObj.saving(fig, title + ".mp4", dpi):
# Draw the bead moving on the parabaloid
for i in range(0, vec_size, sample_rate):
# Clear axes to get rid of point after each iteration
# Draw the Parabaloloid
ax.plot_wireframe(X,Y,Z, color='gray')
# Update Bead Point:
x_bead = x_vec[i]
y_bead = y_vec[i]
z_bead = z_vec[i]
ax.scatter(x_bead, y_bead, z_bead)
# Update Drawing:
# Save Frame:
# Yeah, I know this is not what it should look like, lol.
# I cannot figure out how to get the axes to stay put --
# I have tried to simulate 'ax.axis('equal')' in 3D, but
# cannot get it to work. I don't know why the animated bead
# is not following the paraboloid, I suppose I plotted it
# incorrectly or my simulation is wrong. I do believe my
# simulation is correct, though, so I don't know. :/
# Also, this animation takes forever to compile -- I am sorry.