# Pendulum Animation
# Install ffmpeg (allows us to create videos)
!apt update -y
!apt install ffmpeg -y
# Import Libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FFMpegWriter
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
# Pendulum Parameters
g = 9.8
L = 1
# We need an array of time points from 0 to 10 in increments of 0.01 seconds
dt = 0.001
t_vec = np.arange(0,10,dt)
# Initialize a vector of zeros
theta_vec = np.zeros(len(t_vec))
dtheta_vec = np.zeros(len(t_vec))
# Set our initial condition
theta_vec[0] = np.pi/4 # initial angle
dtheta_vec[0] = 0 # initial angular velocity
# Loop through time
# Euler's Method (approximately integrates the differential equation)
for i in range(1, len(t_vec)):
theta_vec[i] = theta_vec[i-1] + dtheta_vec[i-1]*dt
dtheta_vec[i] = dtheta_vec[i-1] + (-g/L*np.sin(theta_vec[i-1]))*dt
# Setup Figure: Initialize Figure / Axe Handles
fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Initialize Figure and Axes
p, = ax.plot([], [], color='cornflowerblue') # Initialize Empty Plot
ax.set_xlim([-3, 3]) # X Lim
ax.set_ylim([-3, 3]) # Y Lim
ax.set_xlabel('X') # X Label
ax.set_ylabel('Y') # Y Label
ax.set_title('Pendulum Simulation:') # Plot Title
video_title = "simulation" # name of the mp4
# Initialize Patch:
c = Circle((0, 0), radius=0.1, color='cornflowerblue') # Draws a circle of radius 0.1 at (X, Y) location (0, 0)
ax.add_patch(c) # Add the patch to the axes
# Setup Animation Writer:
FPS = 20 # Frames per second for the video
sample_rate = int(1 / (dt * FPS)) # Rate at which we sample the simulation to visualize
dpi = 300 # Quality of the Video
writerObj = FFMpegWriter(fps=FPS) # Video Object
# We need to calculate the cartesian location of the pendulum:
# Initialize Array:
simulation_size = len(t_vec) # We use this alot, so lets store it.
x_pendulum_arm = np.zeros(simulation_size)
y_pendulum_arm = np.zeros(simulation_size)
origin = (0, 0) # Pin Joint (X, Y) Location
# Find the X and Y trajectories of the pendulum:
for i in range(0, simulation_size):
x_pendulum_arm[i] = L * np.sin(theta_vec[i]) + origin[0]
y_pendulum_arm[i] = origin[1] - L * np.cos(theta_vec[i])
# Plot and Create Animation:
with writerObj.saving(fig, video_title+".mp4", dpi):
# We want to create video that represents the simulation
# So we need to sample only a few of the frames:
for i in range(0, simulation_size, sample_rate):
# Update Pendulum Arm:
x_data_points = [origin[0], x_pendulum_arm[i]]
y_data_points = [origin[1], y_pendulum_arm[i]]
# We want to avoid creating new plots to make an animation (Very Slow)
# Instead lets take the plot we made earlier and just update it with new data.
p.set_data(x_data_points, y_data_points) # Update plot with set_data
# Update Pendulum Patch:
patch_center = x_pendulum_arm[i], y_pendulum_arm[i]
c.center = patch_center # Same idea here, instead of drawing a new patch update its location
# Update Drawing:
fig.canvas.draw() # Update the figure with the new changes
# Grab and Save Frame:
# Import the video you just made and run it on the notebook
from IPython.display import Video
Video("/work/simulation.mp4", embed=True, width=640, height=480)