Homework 1
Students: Federico Coin, Joshua Cooper
Step 1
The following block contains the Numerov's method.
Step 2
The graphs above clearly show that the results are consistent with the implementations from the scipy library.
Step 3
Here we define some functions that we will be using for step 3. The 'scattering_coefficient' function takes the energy, phase shift and angular momenta as inputs to calculate the partial cross section term, while the other functions calculate the conversion between energy and velocity. These functions are used in order to calculate the cross section.
The block below contains a function that computes the values of the total cross section computed on the values of energy of the array of energies values. The inputs to the function is the and the maximum value of angular momentum l, value of sigma, and an array of energy values.
Next we plot as shown below.
Step 4
In this section we used the experimental values reported in Table I of Toennis' paper, which are the positions of the total cross section peaks in energy.
(DISCLAIMER: the following block can take up to two hours to run)
Below, the code plots the results.
As demonstrated in this plot, the 3 peaks that we have calculated agree with the the values given in the paper which is further confirmed with the uncertainty regions.