Report 2 - Joshua Cooper and Federico Coin
Question 1
Question 2
The code below constructs the Hamiltonian matrix from the kinetic and potential energies.
Question 3
As N increases, we observe a trend towards convergence. Essentially, this implies that the accuracy of our results improves with larger values of N.
The ground state energy derived from this process is negative, characterized by a total spin of one and a total isospin of zero.
These results align with our initial assumptions: the Hamiltonian does not affect isospin, which always maintains a singlet (antisymmetric) state. Given the symmetry of the spatial component of the wavefunction ( 𝑙=0), the spin is required to exist in a triplet (symmetric) state, ensuring the overall state is antisymmetric.
At this point, we're in a position to graphically represent the radial solution of our wavefunction.
The goal here is to calculate the expected radius for the Ground State. Initially, we need to compute the matrix ⟨𝑛|𝑟^2|𝑚⟩. An in-depth analytical evaluation gives us:
⟨𝑛|𝑟^2|𝑚⟩ is obtained as 1/(𝜈^(√(𝜋) 2^(𝑛+𝑚+2) √((2𝑛+1)!(2𝑚+1)!)) [𝛿_(𝑛,𝑚)(1/2 𝐵_(2𝑛+1)+2(2𝑛+1)(2𝑚+1)𝐵_(2𝑛))+𝛿_(𝑛,𝑚+1)+2𝑛(2𝑛+1)𝐵_(2𝑛−1)+𝛿_(𝑛,𝑚-1)−2𝑚(2𝑚+1)𝐵_(2𝑛+1)].
Thus, by taking |𝐺𝑆⟩ to be the Ground State eigenstate, the expected value for the radius, 𝑟_𝑒, can be formulated as:
𝑟_𝑒=1/2 √(⟨𝐺𝑆|𝑟^2|𝐺𝑆⟩)
Question 4
We can now investigate convergence across various values of 𝜈. If the width of the Gaussians significantly diverges from the true size of the deuteron, we anticipate convergence will only be achieved for larger 𝑁 values. This phenomenon arises due to the increased complexity in representing a function of specific width using components that are misaligned in size. As evidenced in the visual representation below, convergence is achieved only within the regions depicted in dark blue. This distinctively illustrates that the closer the Gaussian's width approximates the bound state's size, the lower the requisite value for 𝑁 to achieve convergence.