#Kaleb Hardy
#Learned how to use concept.redlines()
# [ ] Run to download file to notebook
!curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftLearning/intropython/master/poem1.txt -o poem1.txt
# [ ] review and run example
# open address to file
poem1 = open('poem1.txt', 'r')
# readlines and print as a list
poem_lines = poem1.readlines()
# [ ] review and run example
for line in poem_lines:
# [ ] import cities
# [ ] open cities.txt as cities_file and read the file as a list: cities_lines
# [ ] use list iteration to print each city in cities_lines list
# [ ] review and run examples
# [ ] re-open file and read file as a list of strings
poem1 = open('poem1.txt', 'r')
poem_lines = poem1.readlines()
# [ ] print each list item
for line in poem_lines:
# [ ] remove the last character of each list item, which is "\n"
count = 0
for line in poem_lines:
poem_lines[count] = line[:-1]
count += 1
# [ ] print each list item
for line in poem_lines:
# [ ] re-open file and read file as a list of strings
# [ ] open cities.txt as cities_file and read the file as a list: cities_lines
# [ ] remove the last character, "\n", of each cities_lines list item
# [ ] print each list item in cities_lines
for line in cities_lines:
# [ ] review and run example: open and readlines of poem1.txt
poem1 = open('poem1.txt', 'r')
# [ ] review and run example: readlines breaks if file is no longer open
poem_lines = poem1.readlines()
# [ ] review and run example: Close poem1
# [ ] open cities.txt as cities_file
# [ ] read the lines as cities_lines
# [ ] print the cities that start with the letter "D" or greater
# [ ] test that file is closed
# [ ] close cities_file
# [ ] import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftLearning/intropython/master/poem2.txt as poem2.txt
# [ ] open poem2.txt as poem2_text in read mode
# [ ] create a list of strings, called poem2_lines, from each line of poem2_text
# [ ] remove the newline character for each list item in poem2_lines
# [ ] print the poem2 lines in reverse order