#Lenin Ortiz
#September 18, 2021
#I learned how to use comments and the use of print as well as a little something extra, a variable.
# Had some typos but I typed a little slower so that I didn't misspell any words
# [ ] Review the code, run the code
print("Hello world")
# This is how a comment looks in Python code
# Every comment line starts with the # symbol
#The codes purpose is to print out "Hello world" to the console
h = "Hello"
#The (" ") in between the + and "world" are there to create a space as the variable and string are put together
print(h + " " "world!")
#This line of code will print out the message "after edit, save!" to the console
print ("after edit, save!")
#This line of code will display the message for the keyboard shortcut to save (CTRL + S)
print("CTRL + S")