Research Question 1
Data Cleaning
Hypothesis Testing
While we initially had a standard p-value cutoff of 0.05, we can see from these results we would reject the null hypothesis for all ten states because they all had p-values of 0.0. These values imply that the presence of a lockdown order did have a significant effect on cancellation rates of flights. This is corroborated by one of our visualizations from earlier, which indicated that flights that occurred during lockdown had significantly higher cancellation rates than those that didn't for all ten states.
We also performed similar hypothesis tests under the same procedures for the effect of lockdown orders on flight departure delays. The ten p-values above all fall under the threshold of 0.05 with one exception: New Hampshire. These results imply that lockdown orders also had noticeable impacts on not just cancellation rates, but also the length of departure delays.
Error Rate Control
For the Bonferroni method, which controls FWER, given that we have 10 tests with a general p-value threshold of 0.05, we would set the cutoff line at 0.05 / 10 = 0.005. However, given that all of our p-values are 0 for the cancellations hypothesis testing, we would still reject the null hypothesis for all cases. There is a similar case for the delays hypothesis testing; we still only fail to reject the null hypothesis for one state, New Hampshire.
For the Benjamini-Hochberg method, which controls FDR, we see a very similar case to the Bonferroni method, where almost all discoveries are accepted with the exception of New Hampshire for delays.