#Some libraries will be helpful to perform this program :)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy_financial as npf
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from decimal import Decimal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
class MortgageLoan:
def __init__(self, principal, duration, percentage, first_installment_date):
self._principal = principal
self._duration = duration
self._percentage = percentage
self._first_installment_date = first_installment_date
self.last_installment_date = None
def principal(self):
return self._principal
def principal(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError('Principal must be a positive int or float.')
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('Principal must be type of int or float.')
self._principal = value
def duration(self):
return self._duration
def duration(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError('Duration must be a positive int.')
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError('Duration must be an int.')
self._duration = value
def percentage(self):
return self._percentage
def percentage(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError('Percentage must be a positive int or float.')
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('Percentage must be type of int or float.')
self._percentage = value
def commission_type(self):
return self._commission_type
def commission_type(self, value):
if value in (0,1):
self._commission_type = value
raise ValueError(f'Commission type must be 0 or 1. 0 - for commission included in principal/n1 - for commission paid separately.')
def first_installment_date(self):
return self._first_installment_date
def first_installment_date(self, value):
self._first_installment_date = value
if value != datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):
raise ValueError('First installment date must be a format of YYYY-MM-DD')
self._first_installment_date = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")
def last_payment_date(self):
if self.last_installment_date is None:
self.last_installment_date = self.first_installment_date + relativedelta(months = self.duration)
return self.last_installment_date
class AnnuityMortgage(MortgageLoan):
def __init__(self, principal, duration, percentage, first_installment_date):
super().__init__(principal, duration, percentage, first_installment_date)
def installment(self):
return round(-1*(npf.pmt(self.percentage/12, self.duration, self.principal)),2)
def installment_table(self):
schedule = [self.first_installment_date + relativedelta(months = i) for i in range(self.duration)]
period = np.arange(self.duration) + 1
interest_due = -1*(npf.ipmt(self.percentage/12, period, self.duration, self.principal))
principal_payment = -1*(npf.ppmt(self.percentage/12, period, self.duration, self.principal))
installment_timetable = pd.DataFrame({'Payment_date': schedule,
'Principal_amount': np.around(principal_payment, decimals = 2),
'Interest_payment': np.around(interest_due, decimals = 2),
'Installment_amount':[self.installment() for _ in range(self.duration)],
return installment_timetable
class DecreasingMortgage(MortgageLoan):
def __init__(self, principal, duration, percentage, first_installment_date):
super().__init__(principal, duration, percentage, first_installment_date)
def first_installment(self):
return round(self.principal/self.duration + self.principal * self.percentage / 12,2)
def installment_table(self):
schedule = [self.first_installment_date + relativedelta(months = i) for i in range(self.duration)]
period = np.arange(self.duration) + 1
principal_payment = [round(self.principal/self.duration,2) for _ in range(self.duration)]
principal_due = [self.principal - (self.principal/self.duration * i) for i in range(self.duration)]
interest_due = [x * self.percentage/12 for x in principal_due]
installment_amount = [round(a+b,2) for a,b in zip(interest_due, principal_payment)]
installment_timetable = pd.DataFrame({'Payment_date': schedule,
'Principal_amount': principal_payment,
'Interest_payment': np.around(interest_due, decimals = 2),
'Installment_amount': installment_amount
return installment_timetable
#Here is the space to define parametres of the loan
pv = 280000 #principal to pay
r = 0.035 #interest rate
t = 300 #duration
start = datetime.date.today() #start date
annuitymortgage = AnnuityMortgage(pv,t, r, start)
annuitymortgage_schedule = annuitymortgage.installment_table() #Value to work with
first_annuity_installment = annuitymortgage.installment()
decreasingmortgage = DecreasingMortgage(pv,t, r, start)
decreasingmortgage_schedule = decreasingmortgage.installment_table() #Value to work with
first_decreasing_installment = decreasingmortgage.first_installment()
#Worse of scenario, if interest rates will grow up by 5 p.p up.
sad_annuitymortgage = AnnuityMortgage(pv,t, r+0.05, start)
sad_annuitymortgage_schedule = sad_annuitymortgage.installment_table() #Value to work with
sad_first_annuity_installment = sad_annuitymortgage.installment()
sad_decreasingmortgage = DecreasingMortgage(pv,t, r+0.05, start)
sad_decreasingmortgage_schedule = sad_decreasingmortgage.installment_table() #Value to work with
sad_first_decreasing_installment = sad_decreasingmortgage.first_installment()
print(f"Information about mortgage loan paid in {t} monthly annuity installments,"
f"principal amount of {pv} and percentage of {r * 100:.2f}%. Amount of your installment is {first_annuity_installment}\n")
print(f"Information about mortgage loan paid in {t} monthly decreasing installments"
f"principal amount of {pv} and percentage of {r * 100:.2f}%. Amount of your first installment is {first_decreasing_installment}\n")
#Annuity mortgage total interest - good scenario
annuity_total_interest = annuitymortgage_schedule["Interest_payment"].sum()
#Decreasing mortgage total interest - good scenario
decreasing_total_interest = decreasingmortgage_schedule["Interest_payment"].sum()
#Annuity mortgage total interest - bad scenario
sad_annuity_total_interest = sad_annuitymortgage_schedule["Interest_payment"].sum()
#Decreasing mortgage total interest - bad scenario
sad_decreasing_total_interest = sad_decreasingmortgage_schedule["Interest_payment"].sum()
print(f"For mortgage annuity installment you will pay {annuity_total_interest} in interest. If you have chosen "
f"decreasing installment you would pay {decreasing_total_interest}. The difference is "
f"{round(annuity_total_interest - decreasing_total_interest,2)}. Decreasing installment\n")
print(f"In case of interest rate growth of 5 p.p. up, total difference is: \n"
f"For annuity repayment scenario: {round(sad_annuity_total_interest - annuity_total_interest,2)}\n"
f"For decreasing rapeyment scenario: {round(sad_decreasing_total_interest - decreasing_total_interest,2)}")
#Area chart for total cost of loan
df = pd.DataFrame(annuitymortgage_schedule, columns=['Payment_date', 'Interest_payment', 'Principal_amount'])\
pt = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Payment_date'], values=['Interest_payment', 'Principal_amount'])
pt = pt.cumsum()
pt.plot.area(figsize = (7,7), xlabel = "Year", ylabel = "Total repayment")
plt.title('Annuity repayment schema in breakdown for principal and interest.')
df = pd.DataFrame(decreasingmortgage_schedule, columns=['Payment_date', 'Interest_payment', 'Principal_amount'])\
pt = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Payment_date'], values=['Interest_payment', 'Principal_amount'])
pt = pt.cumsum()
pt.plot.area(figsize = (7,7), xlabel = "Year", ylabel = "Total repayment")
plt.title('Decreasing repayment schema in breakdown for principal and interest.')
#Bar graph which show bad scenario of interest rates rise
bar_annuity = (first_annuity_installment, sad_first_annuity_installment)
bar_decreasing = (first_decreasing_installment, sad_first_decreasing_installment)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Scenario':['Basic scenario', '+5 p.p interest rate'], 'installment':bar_annuity})
df.plot.bar(x='Scenario', y='installment', rot=0, figsize = (7,7), title = 'Change of annuity installment if interest rates will rise.')
df = pd.DataFrame({'Scenario':['Basic scenario', '+5 p.p interest rate'], 'installment':bar_decreasing})
df.plot.bar(x='Scenario', y='installment', rot=0, figsize = (7,7), title = 'Change of decreasing installment if interest rates will rise.')
#Finally, you can download schedule as csv file for further analysis. Just use function below :)
def download_schedule():