# Read in dataset
import pandas as pd
apps_with_duplicates = pd.read_csv('/work/The-Android-App-Market-on-Google-Play/datasets/apps.csv')
# Drop duplicates from apps_with_duplicates
apps = apps_with_duplicates.drop_duplicates()
# Print the total number of apps
print('Total number of apps in the dataset = ', len(apps))
# Have a look at a random sample of 5 rows
# List of characters to remove
chars_to_remove = ['+', ',', '$']
# List of column names to clean
cols_to_clean = ['Installs', 'Price']
# Loop for each column in cols_to_clean
for col in cols_to_clean:
# Loop for each char in chars_to_remove
for char in chars_to_remove:
# Replace the character with an empty string
apps[col] = apps[col].apply(lambda x: x.replace(char, ''))
# Print a summary of the apps dataframe
import numpy as np
# Convert Installs to float data type
apps['Installs'] = apps['Installs'].astype(float)
# Convert Price to float data type
apps['Price'] = apps['Price'].astype(float)
# Checking dtypes of the apps dataframe
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# Print the total number of unique categories
num_categories = len(apps['Category'].unique())
print('Number of categories = ', num_categories)
# Count the number of apps in each 'Category'.
num_apps_in_category = apps['Category'].value_counts()
# Sort num_apps_in_category in descending order based on the count of apps in each category
sorted_num_apps_in_category = num_apps_in_category.sort_values(ascending=False)
# Create bar chart data
data = [go.Bar(
x = sorted_num_apps_in_category.index, # index = category name
y = sorted_num_apps_in_category.values, # value = count
fig = go.Figure(data=data)
# Average rating of apps
avg_app_rating = apps['Rating'].mean()
print('Average app rating = ', avg_app_rating)
# Distribution of apps according to their ratings
data = [go.Histogram(
x = apps['Rating']
# Vertical dashed line to indicate the average app rating
layout = {'shapes': [{
'type' :'line',
'x0': avg_app_rating,
'y0': 0,
'x1': avg_app_rating,
'y1': 1000,
'line': { 'dash': 'dashdot'}
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
# Select rows where both 'Rating' and 'Size' values are present (ie. the two values are not null)
apps_with_size_and_rating_present = apps[(~apps['Rating'].isnull()) & (~apps['Size'].isnull())]
# Subset for categories with at least 250 apps
large_categories = apps_with_size_and_rating_present.groupby('Category').filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 250)
# Plot size vs. rating
plt1 = sns.jointplot(x=large_categories['Size'], y=large_categories['Rating'])
# Select apps whose 'Type' is 'Paid'
paid_apps = apps_with_size_and_rating_present[apps_with_size_and_rating_present['Type'] == 'Paid']
# Plot price vs. rating
plt2 = sns.jointplot(x=paid_apps['Price'], y=paid_apps['Rating'])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 8)
# Select a few popular app categories
popular_app_cats = apps[apps.Category.isin(['GAME', 'FAMILY', 'PHOTOGRAPHY',
# Examine the price trend by plotting Price vs Category
ax = sns.stripplot(x = popular_app_cats['Price'], y = popular_app_cats['Category'], jitter=True, linewidth=1)
ax.set_title('App pricing trend across categories')
# Apps whose Price is greater than 200
apps_above_200 = apps[apps['Price'] > 200]
apps_above_200[['Category', 'App', 'Price']]
# Select apps priced below $100
apps_under_100 = popular_app_cats[popular_app_cats['Price'] < 100]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 8)
# Examine price vs category with the authentic apps (apps_under_100)
ax = sns.stripplot(x=apps_under_100['Price'], y=apps_under_100['Category'], data=apps_under_100, jitter=True, linewidth=1)
ax.set_title('App pricing trend across categories after filtering for junk apps')