import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
def show_alignment(source, target, sure, fuzzy, prediction=None, figsize=(10,10), sizeMaker=250):
source = source.split()
target = target.split()
sure = sure.split()
fuzzy = fuzzy.split()
source_len = len(source)
target_len = len(target)
alignment = np.zeros((source_len, target_len))
labels = np.asarray([["" for _ in range(0, target_len)] for _ in range(0, source_len)])
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in sure:
alignment[idx_source-1, idx_target-1]=2
labels[idx_source-1, idx_target-1] = "S"
if align_check in fuzzy:
alignment[idx_source-1, idx_target-1]=1
labels[idx_source-1, idx_target-1] = "F"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax = sns.heatmap(alignment, linewidth=0.3, annot=labels, fmt="", cbar=False, square=True,cmap="Blues")
ax.set_yticklabels(source, rotation=0)
ax.set_xticklabels(target, rotation=90)
ax.set_title("Alignment matrix: Sure (S) and Fuzzy (F) links")
if prediction != None:
prediction = prediction.split()
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in prediction:
ax.scatter(idx_target-0.5, idx_source-0.5, s=sizeMaker, facecolors='none', edgecolors='red', linewidths=2.)
ax.set_title("Alignment matrix: Sure (S) and Fuzzy (F) links. Red circle for Prediction links")
def analyse_reference(sure, fuzzy, source, target):
sure = sure.split()
fuzzy = fuzzy.split()
reference = sure + fuzzy
source = source.split()
target = target.split()
total_num_link = 0
total_null_link = 0
num_word_source = 0
num_word_target = 0
# Count for Reference
num_align_ref = 0
num_no_ref = 0
num_sure = 0
num_fuzzy = 0
num_align_ref_one2one = 0
num_align_ref_one2many_source = 0
num_align_ref_one2many_target = 0
num_align_ref_many2one_source = 0
num_align_ref_many2one_target = 0
num_align_ref_many2many = 0
num_align_ref_many2many_source = 0
num_align_ref_many2many_target = 0
num_no_ref_no = 0
num_no_ref_null = 0
# Null
num_source2null_ref = 0
num_target2null_ref = 0
num_source2notnull_ref = 0
num_target2notnull_ref = 0
num_source2null_ref_ratio_list = []
num_target2null_ref_ratio_list = []
for s in sure:
num_sure+= 1
for p in fuzzy:
num_fuzzy+= 1
source_len = len(source)
target_len = len(target)
total_num_link += ((source_len) * (target_len))
total_null_link += ((source_len) + (target_len))
num_word_source += source_len
num_word_target += target_len
# Null
num_source2null_ref_sent = 0
num_target2null_ref_sent = 0
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
source_to_null_ref = True
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in reference:
source_to_null_ref = False
if source_to_null_ref:
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
target_to_null_ref = True
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in reference:
target_to_null_ref = False
if target_to_null_ref:
# One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many
num_align_ref_one2many_source_list = []
num_align_ref_many2one_target_list = []
num_align_ref_many2many_source_list = []
num_align_ref_many2many_target_list = []
align_ref_one2one_list = []
align_ref_one2many_list = []
align_ref_many2one_list = []
align_ref_many2many_list = []
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
# Count number of links in Reference
if align_check in reference:
num_align_ref +=1
check_one2many = False
check_many2one = False
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in reference and align_check_ != align_check:
check_one2many = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in reference and align_check_ != align_check:
check_many2one = True
if check_one2many is True and check_many2one is False:
num_align_ref_one2many_target +=1
if idx_source not in num_align_ref_one2many_source_list:
if check_many2one is True and check_one2many is False:
num_align_ref_many2one_source +=1
if idx_target not in num_align_ref_many2one_target_list:
if check_one2many is False and check_many2one is False:
num_align_ref_one2one +=1
# Count number of links not in Reference
if align_check not in reference:
num_no_ref +=1
source_to_null = True
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in reference:
source_to_null = False
target_to_null = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in reference:
target_to_null = False
if source_to_null and target_to_null:
num_no_ref_null +=1
num_no_ref_no +=1
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
# Count number of many2many links in Ref
if align_check in reference:
check_one2many = False
check_many2one = False
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in reference and align_check_ != align_check:
check_one2many = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in reference and align_check_ != align_check:
check_many2one = True
if check_one2many is True and check_many2one is True:
if idx_source not in num_align_ref_many2many_source_list \
and idx_source not in num_align_ref_one2many_source_list:
if idx_target not in num_align_ref_many2many_target_list \
and idx_target not in num_align_ref_many2one_target_list:
num_align_ref_one2many_source += len(num_align_ref_one2many_source_list)
num_align_ref_many2one_target += len(num_align_ref_many2one_target_list)
num_align_ref_many2many_source += len(num_align_ref_many2many_source_list)
num_align_ref_many2many_target += len(num_align_ref_many2many_target_list)
num_source2null_ref_ratio_mean = np.mean(num_source2null_ref_ratio_list)
num_target2null_ref_ratio_mean = np.mean(num_target2null_ref_ratio_list)
values = {"num_word_source": num_word_source,
"num_word_target": num_word_target,
"total_num_link": total_num_link,
"num_sure": num_sure,
"num_fuzzy": num_fuzzy,
"num_align_ref": num_align_ref,
"num_no_ref": num_no_ref,
"num_no_ref_no": num_no_ref_no,
"num_no_ref_null": num_no_ref_null,
"num_align_ref_one2one": num_align_ref_one2one,
"num_align_ref_one2many_source": num_align_ref_one2many_source,
"num_align_ref_one2many_target": num_align_ref_one2many_target,
"num_align_ref_many2one_source": num_align_ref_many2one_source,
"num_align_ref_many2one_target": num_align_ref_many2one_target,
"num_align_ref_many2many": num_align_ref_many2many,
"num_align_ref_many2many_source": num_align_ref_many2many_source,
"num_align_ref_many2many_target": num_align_ref_many2many_target,
"total_null_link": total_null_link,
"num_source2null_ref": num_source2null_ref,
"num_target2null_ref": num_target2null_ref,
"num_source2notnull_ref": num_source2notnull_ref,
"num_target2notnull_ref": num_target2notnull_ref,
"num_source2null_ref_ratio_mean": num_source2null_ref_ratio_mean,
"num_target2null_ref_ratio_mean": num_target2null_ref_ratio_mean}
return values
def show_graphs_reference(result, figScale=1.2, figsize=(20,5)):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=figsize)
ax1 = axes[0]
ax2 = axes[1]
ax3 = axes[2]
palettes = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())
x = ["Source I="+ str(result["num_word_source"]), "Target J="+ str(result["num_word_target"])]
y = [result["num_word_source"], result["num_word_target"] ]
y_aligned = [result["num_source2notnull_ref"], result["num_target2notnull_ref"] ]
y_notAligned = [result["num_source2null_ref"], result["num_target2null_ref"] ], height=np.array(y_aligned)+np.array(y_notAligned), color=palettes[0]), height=y_aligned, color=palettes[1])
ax1.set(xlabel="Aligned/Unaligned words", ylabel='Number of words')
ax1.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale))
for index, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(y_aligned,y_notAligned)):
ax1.text(index, v1, str(v1), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax1.text(index, v1+v2, str(v2), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax1.legend(("Unaligned", "Aligned"),loc=4)
x = ["Sure links", "Fuzzy links", "Null links"]
y = [result["num_sure"], result["num_fuzzy"], result["num_no_ref_null"]]
sns.barplot(x=x, y=y, ax=ax2, palette=palettes)
ax2.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale))
ax2.set(xlabel="All possible links I*J: " + str(result["total_num_link"]) + \
"\n Non-existing links: " + str(result["num_no_ref"]) + ", including Null links", ylabel='Number of links')
for index, value in enumerate(y):
ax2.text(index, value, str(value), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
x = ["One2One", "One2Many", "Many2One", "Many2Many", "%"]
y = [result["num_align_ref_one2one"], result["num_align_ref_one2many_target"],
result["num_align_ref_many2one_source"], result["num_align_ref_many2many"]]
y_text = [str(result["num_align_ref_one2one"])+"-"+str(result["num_align_ref_one2one"]),
y_percent = np.array(y)*100/result["num_align_ref"]
one2one_percent = (100 * result["num_align_ref_one2one"]/result["num_align_ref"])
one2many_percent = one2one_percent + (100 * result["num_align_ref_one2many_target"]/result["num_align_ref"])
many2one_percent = one2many_percent + (100 * result["num_align_ref_many2one_source"]/result["num_align_ref"])
many2many_percent = many2one_percent + (100 * result["num_align_ref_many2many"]/result["num_align_ref"])
ax3.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale))
ax3.set(xlabel="Alignment links: Source-Target", ylabel='Number of links'), height=[result["num_align_ref_one2one"], 0, 0, 0, 0], color=palettes[0]), height=[0, result["num_align_ref_one2many_target"], 0, 0, 0], color=palettes[1]), height=[0, 0, result["num_align_ref_many2one_source"], 0, 0], color=palettes[2]), height=[0, 0, 0, result["num_align_ref_many2many"], 0], color=palettes[3])
for index, (height, value) in enumerate(zip(y,y_text)):
ax3.text(index, height, value, color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax3X = ax3.twinx()
ax3X.set(ylim=(0, 110)), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, many2many_percent], color=palettes[3]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, many2one_percent], color=palettes[2]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, one2many_percent], color=palettes[1]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, one2one_percent], color=palettes[0])
y_bar = [one2one_percent, one2many_percent, many2one_percent, many2many_percent]
for index, value in zip(y_bar, y_percent):
if value != 0:
ax3X.text(4, index, str(np.round(value, 1)) +"%", color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax3X.legend(("Many2Many", "Many2One", "One2Many", "One2One"),loc=4)
def calculate_scores(tp, fp, tn, fn):
acc = 0.
if tp + fp + tn + fn != 0:
acc = (tp+tn)/(tp + fp + tn + fn)
precision = 0.
if tp+fp != 0.:
precision = tp/(tp+fp)
recall = 0.
if tp+fn != 0.:
recall = tp/(tp+fn)
f1 = 0.
if precision+recall != 0:
f1 = (2*precision*recall)/(precision+recall)
return acc, precision, recall, f1
def analyse_prediction(prediction, sure, fuzzy, source, target):
sure = sure.split()
fuzzy = fuzzy.split()
ref = sure + fuzzy
pred = prediction.split()
source = source.split()
target = target.split()
# Count for Prediction
num_align_pred = 0
num_no_pred = 0
num_align_pred_one2one = 0
num_align_pred_one2many_source = 0
num_align_pred_one2many_target = 0
num_align_pred_many2one_source = 0
num_align_pred_many2one_target = 0
num_align_pred_many2many = 0
num_align_pred_many2many_source = 0
num_align_pred_many2many_target = 0
num_no_pred_no = 0
num_no_pred_null = 0
num_true_align_tp = 0
num_true_align_tp_one2one_pred = 0
num_true_align_tp_one2many_pred = 0
num_true_align_tp_many2one_pred = 0
num_true_align_tp_many2many_pred = 0
num_true_no_tn = 0
num_true_no_tn_no_in_pred = 0
num_true_no_tn_null_in_pred = 0
num_false_no_fn = 0
num_false_no_fn_no_in_pred = 0
num_false_no_fn_null_in_pred = 0
num_false_align_no_fp = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_one2one_pred = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_one2many_pred = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_many2one_pred = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_many2many_pred = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_no_in_ref = 0
num_false_align_no_fp_null_in_ref = 0
# Null
num_source2null_pred = 0
num_target2null_pred = 0
num_source2notnull_pred = 0
num_target2notnull_pred = 0
num_source2null_pred_tp = 0
num_source2null_pred_fp = 0
num_source2null_pred_tn = 0
num_source2null_pred_fn = 0
num_target2null_pred_tp = 0
num_target2null_pred_fp = 0
num_target2null_pred_tn = 0
num_target2null_pred_fn = 0
num_source2null_pred_ratio_list = []
num_target2null_pred_ratio_list = []
num_true_null_tp = 0
num_false_not_null_fp = 0
num_false_null_fn = 0
num_true_not_null_tn = 0
source_len = len(source)
target_len = len(target)
# Null
num_source2null_pred_sent = 0
num_target2null_pred_sent = 0
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
source_to_null_ref = True
source_to_null_pred = True
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in ref:
source_to_null_ref = False
if align_check in pred:
source_to_null_pred = False
if source_to_null_pred:
if source_to_null_ref and source_to_null_pred:
if not source_to_null_ref and not source_to_null_pred:
if source_to_null_ref and not source_to_null_pred:
if not source_to_null_ref and source_to_null_pred:
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
target_to_null_ref = True
target_to_null_pred = True
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check in ref:
target_to_null_ref = False
if align_check in pred:
target_to_null_pred = False
if target_to_null_pred:
if target_to_null_ref and target_to_null_pred:
if not target_to_null_ref and not target_to_null_pred:
if target_to_null_ref and not target_to_null_pred:
if not target_to_null_ref and target_to_null_pred:
# One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many
num_align_pred_one2many_source_list = []
num_align_pred_many2one_target_list = []
num_align_pred_many2many_source_list = []
num_align_pred_many2many_target_list = []
align_pred_one2one_list = []
align_pred_one2many_list = []
align_pred_many2one_list = []
align_pred_many2many_list = []
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
# Count number of links in Prediction
if align_check in pred:
num_align_pred +=1
check_one2many = False
check_many2one = False
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in pred and align_check_ != align_check:
check_one2many = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in pred and align_check_ != align_check:
check_many2one = True
if check_one2many is True and check_many2one is False:
num_align_pred_one2many_target +=1
if idx_source not in num_align_pred_one2many_source_list:
if check_many2one is True and check_one2many is False:
num_align_pred_many2one_source +=1
if idx_target not in num_align_pred_many2one_target_list:
if check_one2many is False and check_many2one is False:
num_align_pred_one2one +=1
# Count number of links not in Prediction
if align_check not in pred:
source_to_null = True
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in pred:
source_to_null = False
target_to_null = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in pred:
target_to_null = False
if source_to_null and target_to_null:
num_no_pred_null +=1
num_no_pred_no +=1
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
# Count number of many2many links in Prediction
if align_check in pred:
check_one2many = False
check_many2one = False
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in pred and align_check_ != align_check:
check_one2many = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in pred and align_check_ != align_check:
check_many2one = True
if check_one2many is True and check_many2one is True:
if idx_source not in num_align_pred_many2many_source_list \
and idx_source not in num_align_pred_one2many_source_list:
if idx_target not in num_align_pred_many2many_target_list \
and idx_target not in num_align_pred_many2one_target_list:
for idx_source in range(1, source_len+1):
for idx_target in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
# Count number of links in Prediction and in Ref: TP
if align_check in pred and align_check in ref:
num_true_align_tp +=1
if align_check in align_pred_one2one_list:
if align_check in align_pred_one2many_list:
if align_check in align_pred_many2one_list:
if align_check in align_pred_many2many_list:
# Count number of links not in Prediction and not in Ref: TN
if align_check not in pred and align_check not in ref:
source_to_null = True
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in pred:
source_to_null = False
target_to_null = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in pred:
target_to_null = False
if source_to_null and target_to_null:
num_true_no_tn_null_in_pred +=1
num_true_no_tn_no_in_pred +=1
# Count number of links in Prediction and not in Ref: FP
if align_check in pred and align_check not in ref:
if align_check in align_pred_one2one_list:
if align_check in align_pred_one2many_list:
if align_check in align_pred_many2one_list:
if align_check in align_pred_many2many_list:
source_to_null = True
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in ref:
source_to_null = False
target_to_null = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in ref:
target_to_null = False
if source_to_null and target_to_null:
num_false_align_no_fp_null_in_ref +=1
num_false_align_no_fp_no_in_ref +=1
# Count number of links not in Prediction and in Ref: FN
if align_check not in pred and align_check in ref:
source_to_null = True
for idx_target_ in range(1, target_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source) +'-'+ str(idx_target_)
if align_check_ in pred:
source_to_null = False
target_to_null = True
for idx_source_ in range(1, source_len+1):
align_check_ = str(idx_source_) +'-'+ str(idx_target)
if align_check_ in pred:
target_to_null = False
if source_to_null and target_to_null:
num_false_no_fn_null_in_pred +=1
num_false_no_fn_no_in_pred +=1
num_align_pred_one2many_source += len(num_align_pred_one2many_source_list)
num_align_pred_many2one_target += len(num_align_pred_many2one_target_list)
num_align_pred_many2many_source += len(num_align_pred_many2many_source_list)
num_align_pred_many2many_target += len(num_align_pred_many2many_target_list)
num_source2null_pred_ratio_mean = np.mean(num_source2null_pred_ratio_list)
num_target2null_pred_ratio_mean = np.mean(num_target2null_pred_ratio_list)
sure_correct = 0.
fuzzy_correct = 0.
count_sure = len(sure)
for p in pred:
if p in sure:
if p in fuzzy:
aer = 1. - (sure_correct*2 + fuzzy_correct)/ (num_align_pred + count_sure)
acc, precision, recall, f1 = calculate_scores(num_true_align_tp, num_false_align_no_fp, num_true_no_tn, num_false_no_fn)
null_acc, null_precision, null_recall, null_f1 = calculate_scores(num_true_null_tp, num_false_not_null_fp, num_true_not_null_tn, num_false_null_fn)
values = {"num_align_pred": num_align_pred,
"num_no_pred": num_no_pred,
"num_no_pred_no": num_no_pred_no,
"num_no_pred_null": num_no_pred_null,
"num_true_align_tp": num_true_align_tp,
"num_false_align_no_fp": num_false_align_no_fp,
"num_false_align_no_fp_no_in_ref": num_false_align_no_fp_no_in_ref,
"num_false_align_no_fp_null_in_ref": num_false_align_no_fp_null_in_ref,
"num_false_no_fn": num_false_no_fn,
"num_false_no_fn_no_in_pred": num_false_no_fn_no_in_pred,
"num_false_no_fn_null_in_pred": num_false_no_fn_null_in_pred,
"num_true_no_tn": num_true_no_tn,
"num_true_no_tn_no_in_pred": num_true_no_tn_no_in_pred,
"num_true_no_tn_null_in_pred": num_true_no_tn_null_in_pred,
"aer": aer,
"acc": acc,
"precision": precision,
"recall": recall,
"f1": f1,
"num_align_pred_one2one": num_align_pred_one2one,
"num_align_pred_one2many_source": num_align_pred_one2many_source,
"num_align_pred_one2many_target": num_align_pred_one2many_target,
"num_align_pred_many2one_source": num_align_pred_many2one_source,
"num_align_pred_many2one_target": num_align_pred_many2one_target,
"num_align_pred_many2many": num_align_pred_many2many,
"num_align_pred_many2many_source": num_align_pred_many2many_source,
"num_align_pred_many2many_target": num_align_pred_many2many_target,
"num_true_align_tp_one2one_pred": num_true_align_tp_one2one_pred,
"num_true_align_tp_one2many_pred": num_true_align_tp_one2many_pred,
"num_true_align_tp_many2one_pred": num_true_align_tp_many2one_pred,
"num_true_align_tp_many2many_pred": num_true_align_tp_many2many_pred,
"num_false_align_no_fp_one2one_pred": num_false_align_no_fp_one2one_pred,
"num_false_align_no_fp_one2many_pred": num_false_align_no_fp_one2many_pred,
"num_false_align_no_fp_many2one_pred": num_false_align_no_fp_many2one_pred,
"num_false_align_no_fp_many2many_pred": num_false_align_no_fp_many2many_pred,
"num_source2null_pred": num_source2null_pred,
"num_target2null_pred": num_target2null_pred,
"num_source2notnull_pred": num_source2notnull_pred,
"num_target2notnull_pred": num_target2notnull_pred,
"num_source2null_pred_tp": num_source2null_pred_tp,
"num_source2null_pred_fp": num_source2null_pred_fp,
"num_source2null_pred_fn": num_source2null_pred_fn,
"num_source2null_pred_tn": num_source2null_pred_tn,
"num_target2null_pred_tp": num_target2null_pred_tp,
"num_target2null_pred_fp": num_target2null_pred_fp,
"num_target2null_pred_fn": num_target2null_pred_fn,
"num_target2null_pred_tn": num_target2null_pred_tn,
"num_source2null_pred_ratio_mean": num_source2null_pred_ratio_mean,
"num_target2null_pred_ratio_mean": num_target2null_pred_ratio_mean,
"num_true_null_tp": num_true_null_tp,
"num_false_not_null_fp": num_false_not_null_fp,
"num_false_null_fn": num_false_null_fn,
"num_true_not_null_tn": num_true_not_null_tn,
"null_acc": null_acc,
"null_precision": null_precision,
"null_recall": null_recall,
"null_f1": null_f1}
return values
def show_graphs_prediction_words(result, figScale=1.2, figsize=(20,5)):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=figsize)
ax1 = axes[0]
ax2 = axes[1]
ax3 = axes[2]
palettes = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())
x = ["Source I="+ str(result["num_source2null_pred"] + result["num_source2notnull_pred"]),
"Target J="+ str(result["num_target2null_pred"] + result["num_target2notnull_pred"])]
y = [result["num_source2null_pred"] + result["num_source2notnull_pred"], result["num_target2null_pred"] + result["num_target2notnull_pred"] ]
y_aligned = [result["num_source2notnull_pred"], result["num_target2notnull_pred"] ]
y_notAligned = [result["num_source2null_pred"], result["num_target2null_pred"] ], height=np.array(y_aligned)+np.array(y_notAligned), color=palettes[0]), height=y_aligned, color=palettes[1])
ax1.set(xlabel="Aligned/Unaligned words", ylabel='Number of words')
ax1.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale))
for index, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(y_aligned,y_notAligned)):
if v1 != 0:
ax1.text(index, v1, str(v1), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
if v2 != 0:
ax1.text(index, v1+v2, str(v2), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax1.legend(("Unaligned", "Aligned"),loc=4)
x = ["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]
y_source = [result["num_source2null_pred_tp"], result["num_source2null_pred_fp"], result["num_source2null_pred_fn"], result["num_source2null_pred_tn"]]
y_target = [result["num_target2null_pred_tp"], result["num_target2null_pred_fp"], result["num_target2null_pred_fn"], result["num_target2null_pred_tn"]], height=np.array(y_source)+np.array(y_target), color=palettes[2]), height=y_source, color=palettes[3])
ax2.set(xlabel="Counts for Unaligned words", ylabel='Number of words')
ax2.set(ylim=(0, np.max(np.array(y_source)+np.array(y_target))*figScale))
ax2.legend(("Target", "Source"),loc=4)
for index, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(y_source,y_target)):
if v1 != 0:
ax2.text(index, v1, str(v1), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
if v2 != 0:
ax2.text(index, v1+v2, str(v2), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
x = ["ACC", "PRECISION", "RECALL", "F1"]
y = [result["null_acc"], result["null_precision"], result["null_recall"], result["null_f1"]]
ax3.set(ylim=(0, 110))
sns.barplot(x=x, y=np.array(y)*100, ax=ax3, palette=palettes)
ax3.set(xlabel="Scores for Unaligned words (%)")
for index, value in enumerate(y):
ax3.text(index, value*100 , str(np.round(value*100,1))+"%", color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
def show_graphs_prediction_links(result, figScale=1.2, figsize=(20,5)):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=figsize)
ax4 = axes[0]
ax5 = axes[1]
ax6 = axes[2]
palettes = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())
x = ["Alignment links", "Null links"]
y = [result["num_align_pred"], result["num_no_pred_null"]]
sns.barplot(x=x, y=y, ax=ax4, palette=palettes)
ax4.set(xlabel="All possible links I*J: " + str(result["num_align_pred"] + result["num_no_pred"]) + \
"\n Non-existing links: " + str(result["num_no_pred"]) + ", including Null links", ylabel='Number of links')
for index, value in enumerate(y):
ax4.text(index, 0, str(value), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
x = ["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]
y = [result["num_true_align_tp"], result["num_false_align_no_fp"], result["num_false_no_fn"], result["num_true_no_tn"]]
ax5.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)/50))
sns.barplot(x=x, y=y, ax=ax5, palette=palettes)
ax5.set(xlabel="Counts for Links")
for index, value in enumerate(y):
ax5.text(index, 1, str(value), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
x = ["AER", "ACC", "PRECISION", "RECALL", "F1"]
y = [result["aer"], result["acc"], result["precision"], result["recall"], result["f1"]]
ax6.set(ylim=(0, 110))
sns.barplot(x=x, y=np.array(y)*100, ax=ax6, palette=palettes)
ax6.set(xlabel="Scores for Links (%)")
for index, value in enumerate(y):
ax6.text(index, value*100 , str(np.round(value*100,1))+"%", color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
def show_graphs_prediction_fertility(result, figScale=1.2, figsize=(20,5)):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=figsize)
ax7 = axes[0]
ax8 = axes[1]
palettes = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())
x = ["One2One", "One2Many", "Many2One", "Many2Many", "%"]
y = [result["num_align_pred_one2one"], result["num_align_pred_one2many_target"],
result["num_align_pred_many2one_source"], result["num_align_pred_many2many"]]
y_text = [str(result["num_align_pred_one2one"])+"-"+str(result["num_align_pred_one2one"]),
y_percent = np.array(y)*100/result["num_align_pred"]
one2one_percent = (100 * result["num_align_pred_one2one"]/result["num_align_pred"])
one2many_percent = one2one_percent + (100 * result["num_align_pred_one2many_target"]/result["num_align_pred"])
many2one_percent = one2many_percent + (100 * result["num_align_pred_many2one_source"]/result["num_align_pred"])
many2many_percent = many2one_percent + (100 * result["num_align_pred_many2many"]/result["num_align_pred"])
ax7.set(xlabel="Alignment links: Source-Target", ylabel='Number of links')
ax7.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale)), height=[result["num_align_pred_one2one"], 0, 0, 0, 0], color=palettes[0]), height=[0, result["num_align_pred_one2many_target"], 0, 0, 0], color=palettes[1]), height=[0, 0, result["num_align_pred_many2one_source"], 0, 0], color=palettes[2]), height=[0, 0, 0, result["num_align_pred_many2many"], 0], color=palettes[3])
for index, (height, value) in enumerate(zip(y,y_text)):
ax7.text(index, height, value, color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax7X = ax7.twinx()
ax7X.set(ylim=(0, 110))
ax7X.set(ylabel='Percentage'), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, many2many_percent], color=palettes[3]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, many2one_percent], color=palettes[2]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, one2many_percent], color=palettes[1]), height=[0, 0, 0, 0, one2one_percent], color=palettes[0])
y_bar = [one2one_percent, one2many_percent, many2one_percent, many2many_percent]
for index, value in zip(y_bar, y_percent):
if value != 0:
ax7X.text(4, index, str(np.round(value, 1)) +"%", color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax7X.legend(("Many2Many", "Many2One", "One2Many", "One2One"),loc=4)
x = ["One2One", "One2Many", "Many2One", "Many2Many"]
y = [result["num_align_pred_one2one"], result["num_align_pred_one2many_target"],
result["num_align_pred_many2one_source"], result["num_align_pred_many2many"]]
y_true = [result["num_true_align_tp_one2one_pred"], result["num_true_align_tp_one2many_pred"],
result["num_true_align_tp_many2one_pred"], result["num_true_align_tp_many2many_pred"]]
y_false = [result["num_align_pred_one2one"] - result["num_true_align_tp_one2one_pred"], result["num_align_pred_one2many_target"] - result["num_true_align_tp_one2many_pred"],
result["num_align_pred_many2one_source"] - result["num_true_align_tp_many2one_pred"], result["num_align_pred_many2many"] - result["num_true_align_tp_many2many_pred"]]
ax8.set(xlabel="Counts for Alignment links", ylabel='Number of links')
ax8.set(ylim=(0, np.max(y)*figScale)), height=np.array(y_true) + np.array(y_false), color=palettes[0]), height=y_true, color=palettes[1])
for index, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(y_true,y_false)):
if v1 != 0:
ax8.text(index, v1, str(v1), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
if v2 != 0:
ax8.text(index, v1+v2, str(v2), color='black', ha="center", verticalalignment="bottom")
ax8.legend(("Incorrect", "Correct"),loc=4)
sure = "1-2 2-3 4-4 6-6 7-7 10-9 12-10 13-14 14-16 15-15 17-19 18-20 19-21 20-22 21-23 22-27 23-28 24-29 25-29 27-30 28-31 28-32 31-34 32-35 33-36"
fuzzy = "30-33 4-5 8-8 11-9 16-15 34-37 35-38 36-39 37-40 38-43"
pred = "1-2 2-3 4-4 4-5 6-6 7-7 8-8 10-9 11-9 12-10 13-15 14-16 15-12 16-15 17-14 18-21 19-21 20-22 21-23 22-27 23-28 24-29 25-29 25-30 28-30 28-32"
target = "i don't believe there are many people who while reading the results of an opinion poll which was conducted by Metro Media Transilvania polling centre , and which refers to the prime minister , are inclined to believe a thing it says ."
source = "nu cred ca sint prea multi cei care , atunci cind citesc un sondaj de opinie realizat de Metro Media Transilvania si care se refera si la primul - ministru , sint dispusi sa creada o boaba ."
show_alignment(source, target, sure, fuzzy, prediction=pred)
resultRef = analyse_reference(sure, fuzzy, source, target)
resultPred = analyse_prediction(pred, sure, fuzzy, source, target)