-- number of campaigns in MCDM ads report on date(2021,11,14)
SELECT count(distinct campaign_id)
FROM mcdm_revenueroll.paid_ads__basic_performance
WHERE date(date) = date(2021,11,14)
AND advertiser_name = 'Shaya'
-- number of events in snowplow on date(2021,11,14)
SELECT count(*)
FROM snowcat.events
WHERE date(collector_tstamp) = date(2021,11,14)
AND app_id = 'shaya-pets'
AND domain_sessionidx is not null
-- number of records in the attribution table on date(2021,11,14)
SELECT count(*)
FROM attribution.attribution_table_shayapets
WHERE date(datetime) = date(2021,11,14)