Red Flags Analysis
This analysis of UK PSC data that has been mapped to BODS format shows how we can answer common questions about 'red flags' in BODS datasets. These red flags are not necessarily an indication of anything wrong but may prompt further investigation.
This analysis has not been conducted in order to identify red flags in the UK data itself, but to show an example of how such analysis could be done.
Reading in data
How many entities have foundingDate and dissolutionDate where the difference between these dates is less than a year?
note - very limited data from pre-2016. I suspect that this is due to records of companies dissolved before then not being routinely digitised.
How many entities have ownership chains which have involved natural persons or entities in countries on the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions?
Technical note - UK PSC data only has one level of reporting - there are no 'component' statements and there's no overarching OOC that lists all the component statements included. With properly formatted BODS data it would be easy to use that overarching OOC statement to get the countries of every component entity / person.
Here we have used networkx to construct a graph of the ownership networks. This required more time and expertise than would have been needed for a complete set of BODS data.
The majority of ownership relationships were direct - the longest chain between a company and the owner in a listed country contains 12 edges.
How many entities declare that they have no beneficial owners?
In properly formatted BODS data this would be identified in the primary OOC statement under interestedParty -> unknown -> noBeneficialOwners.
The PSC register itself does include an option for companies to declare they have no beneficial owners. For example -
However, we don't have an indicator for this in our mapping of the PSC data. The example above does have an entity statement in the data set but no OOC statement.
How many entities are there where their beneficial owners are unknown?
In properly formatted BODS data this would be identified in the primary OOC statement under interestedParty -> unknown and we have functions in qbods to summarise this data.
In this data set we could theoretically iterate over the OOC statements, construct an ownership chain and identify where chains don't have an end-point that is a person. This also might not work depending on the reporting thresholds of the country.
eg - Live Nation Limited is a UK company owned by a US parent company. We don't have any information on who owns Live Nation Entertainment Inc.
This is what that looks like in the mapped PSC data
Further investigation
The company number for Live Nation UK is 0380556
This corresponds to several entity statements as Live Nation UK is also an owner of several other companies.
These are the relevant statementIDs for the entities
There's one OOC statement listing Live Nation UK as a subject - the interested party entity statement relates to the US parent company
There's no ownership statement with the parent company as a subject. Therefore we don't know who the beneficial owners of Live Nation UK are.
We could iterate over the OOC statements until the chain either reaches a person or reaches a dead end but that would be quite complicated. Having properly formatted BODS data would make this process relatively simple.
How many entities are there where their beneficial owners are unknown?
How many entities have complex ownership chains? (e.g. 5+ observable layers of ownership)
This could be done more efficiently using properly formatted BODS data. You would take the overarching OOC statement and count how many components are listed then use the relevant component statements to construct the actual chain.
Layer of ownership - a company owned directly by a person has 1 layer of ownership
Company A has '5 layers of ownership'
Company A -> Company B -> Company C -> Company D -> Company E -> Person A