# importing the required libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# making plots look like R
plt.rc('axes', facecolor='white', edgecolor='black', axisbelow=True, grid=False)
# defining a function to remove irrelevant columns, and create a datetime index, for the imported data
def drop_and_date(df, drop = True, display_head = True):
if drop == True:
df.drop(columns = ['areaType', 'areaCode'], inplace = True)
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df.set_index('date', inplace = True)
if display_head == True:
# creating a dataframe for the 'new cases' data
cases = pd.read_csv('daily_cases_by_date_reported_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# creating a dataframe for the 'new hospital admissions' data
admit_hospital = pd.read_csv('hospital_admissions_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# creating a dataframe for the 'patients in hospital' data
n_hospital = pd.read_csv('patients_in_hospital_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# creating a dataframe for the 'patients in mechanical ventilation beds' data
vent_beds = pd.read_csv('patients_in_mechanical_ventilation_beds_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# creating a dataframe for the 'covid 19 on death certificate' data
deaths = pd.read_csv('daily_deaths_with_COVID-19_on_the_death_certificate_by_date_of_death_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# creating a dataframe for the 'deaths within 28 days of positive test' data
deaths_28 = pd.read_csv('deaths_within_28_days_positive_test_2021-Oct-20.csv')
# defining a function to create the time series plots, arguments can be set to True or False to show or
# not show a specific variable
def covid_plot(new_cases = True, hospital_admissions = True, num_in_hospital = True,
ventilator_beds = True, deaths_certificate = True, deaths_28_days_pos_test = True):
# setting the figure size
plt.figure(figsize = (18,10))
# display each variable if the relevant argument == True
if new_cases == True:
plt.plot(cases.index, cases['newCasesByPublishDate'], label = 'new cases', color = 'blue')
if hospital_admissions == True:
plt.plot(admit_hospital.index, admit_hospital['newAdmissions'], label = 'new hospital admissions', color = 'orange')
if num_in_hospital == True:
plt.plot(n_hospital.index, n_hospital['hospitalCases'], label = 'number of patients in hospital', color = 'black')
if ventilator_beds == True:
plt.plot(vent_beds.index, vent_beds['covidOccupiedMVBeds'], label = 'COVID occupied ventilation beds', color = 'cyan')
if deaths_certificate == True:
plt.plot(deaths.index, deaths['newDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate'], label = 'deaths (covid 19 on death certificate)', color = 'red')
if deaths_28_days_pos_test == True:
plt.plot(deaths_28.index, deaths_28['newDeaths28DaysByDeathDate'], label = 'deaths (within 28 days of positive test)',
linestyle = '--', color = 'darkred')
# label the axes and show the plot
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
covid_plot(new_cases = True,
hospital_admissions = True,
num_in_hospital = True,
ventilator_beds = True,
deaths_certificate = True,
deaths_28_days_pos_test = True)
covid_plot(new_cases = False,
hospital_admissions = True,
num_in_hospital = False,
ventilator_beds = True,
deaths_certificate = True,
deaths_28_days_pos_test = True)
covid_plot(new_cases = False,
hospital_admissions = False,
num_in_hospital = False,
ventilator_beds = False,
deaths_certificate = True,
deaths_28_days_pos_test = True)
# defining a function to create a plot of the cumulative counts, arguments can be set to True or False to show or not show
# a specific variable
def cumulative_covid_plot(new_cases = True, hospital_admissions = True, deaths_certificate = True,
deaths_28_days_pos_test = True):
# set the figure size
plt.figure(figsize = (18,10))
# display each variable if the relevant argument == True
if new_cases == True:
plt.plot(cases.index, cases['cumCasesByPublishDate'], label = 'cumulative new cases', color = 'darkblue')
if hospital_admissions == True:
plt.plot(admit_hospital.index, admit_hospital['cumAdmissions'], label = 'cumulative new hospital admissions', color = 'darkorange')
if deaths_certificate == True:
plt.plot(deaths.index, deaths['cumDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate'], label = 'cumulative deaths (covid 19 on death certificate)', color = 'crimson')
if deaths_28_days_pos_test == True:
plt.plot(deaths_28.index, deaths_28['cumDeaths28DaysByDeathDate'], label = 'cumulative deaths (within 28 days of positive test)',
linestyle = '--', color = 'darkorange')
# label the axes and show the plot
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
cumulative_covid_plot(new_cases = False,
hospital_admissions = True,
deaths_certificate = True,
deaths_28_days_pos_test = True)
# importing the statsmodels library
import statsmodels.api as sm
# creating a dataframe for the 'new cases' data
cases = pd.read_csv('https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/api/v1/data?filters=areaType=overview&structure=%7B%22areaType%22:%22areaType%22,%22areaName%22:%22areaName%22,%22areaCode%22:%22areaCode%22,%22date%22:%22date%22,%22newCasesByPublishDate%22:%22newCasesByPublishDate%22,%22cumCasesByPublishDate%22:%22cumCasesByPublishDate%22%7D&format=csv')
drop_and_date(cases, drop = False, display_head = False)
# creating a dataframe for the 'covid 19 on death certificate' data
deaths = pd.read_csv('https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/api/v1/data?filters=areaType=overview&structure=%7B%22areaType%22:%22areaType%22,%22areaName%22:%22areaName%22,%22areaCode%22:%22areaCode%22,%22date%22:%22date%22,%22newDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate%22:%22newDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate%22,%22cumDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate%22:%22cumDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate%22%7D&format=csv')
drop_and_date(deaths, drop = False, display_head = False)
# creating a dataframe for the cumulative number of vaccinations
cumulative_vaccinations = pd.read_csv('https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/api/v1/data?filters=areaType=overview&structure=%7B%22areaType%22:%22areaType%22,%22areaName%22:%22areaName%22,%22areaCode%22:%22areaCode%22,%22date%22:%22date%22,%22cumVaccinationFirstDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22:%22cumVaccinationFirstDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22,%22cumVaccinationSecondDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22:%22cumVaccinationSecondDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22,%22cumVaccinationThirdInjectionUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22:%22cumVaccinationThirdInjectionUptakeByPublishDatePercentage%22%7D&format=csv')
drop_and_date(cumulative_vaccinations, drop = False, display_head = False)
# ensuring the dataframe indexes are the same length, for plotting (e.g. so the x axis is comparable between plots)
# by adding 0's to the vaccinations dataframe, for timepoints prior to the vaccine rollout. E.g. making the vaccinations
# dataframe the same length as the deaths dataframe
cumulative_vacc = deaths.copy()
cumulative_vacc.drop(cumulative_vacc.columns, axis = 1, inplace = True)
# filling the columns with 0s for every timepoint
cumulative_vacc['cumulative_1st_dose'] = np.repeat(0, len(cumulative_vacc.index))
cumulative_vacc['cumulative_2nd_dose'] = np.repeat(0, len(cumulative_vacc.index))
# replacing the 0s with the cumulative vaccination percentages, where there is data
for timepoint_1 in cumulative_vacc.index:
for timepoint_2 in cumulative_vaccinations.index:
if timepoint_1 == timepoint_2:
cumulative_vacc.loc[timepoint_2, 'cumulative_1st_dose'] = cumulative_vaccinations['cumVaccinationFirstDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage'].loc[timepoint_2]
cumulative_vacc.loc[timepoint_2, 'cumulative_2nd_dose'] = cumulative_vaccinations['cumVaccinationSecondDoseUptakeByPublishDatePercentage'].loc[timepoint_2]
# using a statistical function from the statsmodels library to extract the trend from the time series
cycle_cases, trend_cases = sm.tsa.filters.hpfilter(cases['newCasesByPublishDate'])
cycle_deaths, trend_deaths = sm.tsa.filters.hpfilter(deaths['newDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate'])
# plot the cases, and the trend
plt.figure(figsize = (18,4))
plt.plot(cases.index, cases['newCasesByPublishDate'], label = 'new cases', color = 'blue')
plt.plot(cases.index, trend_cases, label = 'trend', color = 'cyan')
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
# plot the deaths, and the trend
plt.figure(figsize = (18,4))
plt.plot(deaths.index, deaths['newDailyNsoDeathsByDeathDate'], label = 'deaths (covid 19 on death certificate)', color = 'red')
plt.plot(deaths.index, trend_deaths, label = 'trend', color = 'orange')
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
# plot the proportion of the UK that has been vaccinated
plt.figure(figsize = (18,4))
plt.plot(cumulative_vacc.index, cumulative_vacc['cumulative_1st_dose'],
label = '% of the UK population vaccinated (1st dose)', color = 'red')
plt.plot(cumulative_vacc.index, cumulative_vacc['cumulative_2nd_dose'],
label = '% of the UK population vaccinated (2nd dose)', color = 'darkred')
plt.ylabel('Percentage of Population Vaccinated\n (%)')