#Sam Ola
#In this lesson i learned how to use backlash
#i had trouble with task 2 so i couldn't finish it
# review and run example using \n (new line)
print('Hello World!\nI am formatting print ')
# review and run code using \t (tab)
student_age = 17
student_name = "Hiroto Yamaguchi"
print("STUDENT NAME\t\tAGE")
print(student_name,'\t' + str(student_age))
# review and run code
# using \" and \' (escaped quotes)
print("\"quotes in quotes\"")
print("I\'ve said \"save your notebook,\" so let\'s do it!")
# using \\ (escaped backslash)
print("for a newline use \\n")
print("\"What's that?\" isn\'t a specific question.")
print("One Two Three\nFour Five Six")
#[ ] create and test pre_word()
pre_word = "pre"
if pre_word.alpha().startswith("pre"):
input("enter a word that starts with \"pre\"")
# [ ] review, run, fix comment your fixes