# [ ] review and run example
# define list of strings
ft_bones = ["calcaneus", "talus", "cuboid", "navicular", "lateral cuneiform", "intermediate cuneiform", "medial cuneiform"]
# display type information
print("ft_bones: ", type(ft_bones))
# print the list
# [ ] review and run example
# define list of integers
age_survey = [12, 14, 12, 29, 12, 14, 12, 12, 13, 12, 14, 13, 13, 46, 13, 12, 12, 13, 13, 12, 12]
# display type information
print("age_survey: ", type(age_survey))
# print the list
# [ ] review and run example
# define list of mixed data type
mixed_list = [1, 34, 0.999, "dog", "cat", ft_bones, age_survey]
# display type information
print("mixed_list: ", type(mixed_list))
# print the list
# [ ] create team_names list and populate with 3-5 team name strings
# [ ] print the list
team_name = ["Lakers", "Warriors", "Heat", "Nets", "Raptors"]
# [ ] Create a list mix_list with numbers and strings with 4-6 items
# [ ] print the list
mix_list = ["cheese", 2, "bread", 4, "ham"]
# [ ] review and run example
print(ft_bones[0], "is the 1st bone on the list")
print(ft_bones[2], "is the 3rd bone on the list")
print(ft_bones[-1], "is the last bone on the list")
# [ ] review and run example
print(ft_bones[1], "is connected to the",ft_bones[3])
# [ ] review and run example
three_ages_sum = age_survey[0] + age_survey[1] + age_survey[2]
print("The first three ages total", three_ages_sum)
# [ ] Create a list, streets, that lists the name of 5 street name strings
# [ ] print a message that there is "No Parking" on index 0 or index 4 streets
streets = ['Main', 'South', 'Green', 'Church', "Grove"]
print(streets[4], 'street: NO PARKING!')
# [ ] Create a list, num_2_add, made of 5 different numbers between 0 - 25
# [ ] print the sum of the numbers
num_2_add = [4, 17, 19, 25, 16]
print(num_2_add[0]+ num_2_add[1] + num_2_add[2] + num_2_add[3] + num_2_add[4])
# [ ] Review & Run, but ***Do Not Edit*** this code cell
# [ ] Fix the error by only editing and running the block below
print("Total of checks 3 & 4 = $", pay_checks[2] + pay_checks[3])
# [ ] Fix the error above by creating and running code in this cell
pay_checks = [150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400]
print(" Total of checks 3 & 4 = $", pay_checks[2] + pay_checks[3])