#Sam Ola
#In this lesson i learned how to combine integers with strings
#The problems i came across was adding a comma to the beginning of my code for the owner on task 5 and when i removed it, it worked
# review and run code
name = "Collette"
print("Hello " + name + "!")
print("Hello to",name,"who is from the city")
name = "James"
print("my favorite student,",name,"got the highest grade in the class")
# review and run code
print("I will pick you up @",6,"for the party")
# review and run code
number_errors = 0
print("An Integer of", 14, "combined with strings causes",number_errors,"TypeErrors in comma formatted print!")
older_brother_age = 32
younger_sister_age = 29
print("My older brother is",older_brother_age, "and i am" ,younger_sister_age, "years old.")
street = "new bern cross way"
st_number = 2357
print("my friend lives on",street,"and lives in apartment",st_number,)
test_value = 84
print("my dad's oldest brother is",test_value,"years old")
owner = "David Smith"
min_early = 10
training_time = 2
num_people = 7
print(owner,"wants to have a trianing session for the karate group that consist of",num_people,"people at the training area at 3:25 until 5:25 so the class will be held for",training_time,"hours. Please come to the session",min_early, "early so that we can get set up")