Local Marginal Prices Analysis 2021
for the Mexican Electricity Market
The LMP can be obtained from the public CENACE's website. (https://www.cenace.gob.mx/Paginas/SIM/Reportes/PreEnerServConMDA.aspx)
There are the DAM (day-ahead) and the RTM (real-time).
The LMPs are calculated per nodes ( more than 3,5 k nodes p in the Nacional Interconected System, plus Baja California, plus Baja California South Systems.)
There are the LMPs per Control Zone called distributed nodes (price pool) that are a conglomeration of different nodes p. In this notebook I am going to analize the price tendencies of the distributed nodes per regional control management (9: Northeast, Northwest, North, West, East, Center, Peninsular, Baja California and Baja Californa South).