!pip install mxnet==1.6.0
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
def transform(data, label): # define a function to transfer data
return (nd.floor(data/128)).astype(np.float32), label.astype(np.float32)
# floor of 255/128 = 1 pixel value = 1 when it is on.
# Devide dataset to 2 sets: one for training and one for testing
mnist_train =, transform=transform)
mnist_test =, transform=transform)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
image_index=8888 # Pick one to take a look. Any integer <60,000
# 8888 is digit with label 3, as printed below
print(mnist_train[image_index][1]) #image stored in 0; label in 1
plt.imshow(mnist_train[image_index][0].reshape((28, 28)).\
asnumpy(), cmap='Greys') #image pixel: 28 by 28
# Initialize arrays for counts for computing p(y), p(xi|y)
# We initialize all numbers with a count of 1 to avoid
# division by zero, known as Laplace smoothing.
ycount = nd.ones(shape=(10)) #10 possible digits
xcount = nd.ones(shape=(784, 10)) #784 (= 28*28) variables
# Aggregate the count of the labels in training dataset
# and number of its cooresponding pixels being on (value=1)
for data, label in mnist_train: # loop over the dataset
x = data.reshape((784,))
y = int(label) # get the digit-number
ycount[y] += 1 # add 1 to (digit)th entry
xcount[:, y] += x # add the image data to
# the (digit)th column
# compute the probabilities p(xi|y) (divide per pixel counts
# by total count of the label in the training dataset)
for i in range(10):
xcount[:, i] = xcount[:, i]/ycount[i]
# Compute the probability p(y)
py = ycount / nd.sum(ycount)
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from numpy import asarray
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
logxcount = nd.log(xcount) # pre-computations
logxcountneg = nd.log(1-xcount)
logpy = nd.log(py)
fig, figarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 3))
# test and show 10 images
ctr = 0 # initialize the control iterator
y = []
pxm = np.array([])
xi = ()
# A = mx.img.imread("4_image.jpg",flag = 0)
# AA = mx.ndarray.image.resize(A,size =(28,28))
# CC = AA.reshape((28,28))
# k = [1,2]
#importing image
im1 = nd.array(ImageOps.invert('image6.jpg').resize((28,28)).convert('L')))
im2 = nd.array(ImageOps.invert('image4.jpg').resize((28,28)).convert('L')))
im1 = (nd.floor(im1/160)).astype(np.float32)
im2 = (nd.floor(im2/160)).astype(np.float32)
truelable = [6,4]
imgdatas = (im1, im2)
for j in range(2):
data = imgdatas[j]
label = float(truelable[j])
x = data.reshape((784,))
# Incorporate the prior probability p(y) since p(y|x) is
# proportional to p(x|y) p(y)
logpx = logpy.copy() #nd.zeros_like(logpy)
for i in range(10):
# compute the log probability for a digit
# normalize to prevent overflow or underflow by subtracting
# the largest value
logpx -= nd.max(logpx)
# and compute the softmax using logpx
px = nd.exp(logpx).asnumpy()
px = px*py.asnumpy() # this proportional to P(y|x)
px /= np.sum(px)
pxm = np.append(pxm,max(px)) # use the one with max Pr.
xi = np.append(xi,np.where(px == np.amax(px)))
# bar chart and image of digit
figarr[1, ctr].bar(range(10), px)
figarr[1, ctr].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
figarr[0, ctr].imshow(x.reshape((28,28)).asnumpy(),cmap='gray')
figarr[0, ctr].axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
figarr[0, ctr].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
ctr += 1
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.0f}'.format})
print('True label: ',y)
xi = np.array(xi)
print('Predicted digits:',xi)
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.1f}'.format})
print('Maximum probability:',pxm)
Testing HW code with Cross Entropy instead of Binary Cross Entropy
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from numpy import asarray
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
logxcount = nd.log(xcount) # pre-computations
logxcountneg = nd.log(1-xcount)
logpy = nd.log(py)
fig, figarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 3))
# test and show 10 images
ctr = 0 # initialize the control iterator
y = []
pxm = np.array([])
xi = ()
# A = mx.img.imread("4_image.jpg",flag = 0)
# AA = mx.ndarray.image.resize(A,size =(28,28))
# CC = AA.reshape((28,28))
# k = [1,2]
#importing image
im1 = nd.array(ImageOps.invert('image6.jpg').resize((28,28)).convert('L')))
im2 = nd.array(ImageOps.invert('image4.jpg').resize((28,28)).convert('L')))
im1 = (nd.floor(im1/160)).astype(np.float32)
im2 = (nd.floor(im2/160)).astype(np.float32)
truelable = [6,4]
imgdatas = (im1, im2)
for j in range(2):
data = imgdatas[j]
label = float(truelable[j])
x = data.reshape((784,))
# Incorporate the prior probability p(y) since p(y|x) is
# proportional to p(x|y) p(y)
logpx = logpy.copy() #nd.zeros_like(logpy)
for i in range(10):
# compute the log probability for a digit
# normalize to prevent overflow or underflow by subtracting
# the largest value
logpx -= nd.max(logpx)
# and compute the softmax using logpx
px = nd.exp(logpx).asnumpy()
px = px*py.asnumpy() # this proportional to P(y|x)
px /= np.sum(px)
pxm = np.append(pxm,max(px)) # use the one with max Pr.
xi = np.append(xi,np.where(px == np.amax(px)))
# bar chart and image of digit
figarr[1, ctr].bar(range(10), px)
figarr[1, ctr].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
figarr[0, ctr].imshow(x.reshape((28,28)).asnumpy(),cmap='gray')
figarr[0, ctr].axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
figarr[0, ctr].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
ctr += 1
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.0f}'.format})
print('True label: ',y)
xi = np.array(xi)
print('Predicted digits:',xi)
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.1f}'.format})
print('Maximum probability:',pxm)
Shifting the likelihood function from binary cross entropy to cross entropy reduces the accuracy of the model. This is due to the fact that binary cross entropy magnifies the discrepancy thus enhancing the the likelihood function more than the latter.
Binary Cross Entropy = 2 correct predictions
Cross-Entropy = 2 incorrect predictions