Exploration questions
Data Sources
Driver Gender
The distribution of drivers by gender spanning the years from 1994 to 2018.
More exploration and insights
The distribution of drivers categorized by both gender and state.
The distribution of drivers is categorized by age group and gender.
The total count of years available in the dataset.
List the number of years per each state where there were no drivers in the 'Under 16' age cohort
Between 1994 and 2018, there were 24 states where no drivers under the age of 16 were documented.
The columns "candidate," "party_detailed," "writein," and "notes" contain null values, but they will not be utilized in the analysis.
Filtering the data by year and assigning a single governing party for each year.
Verify if there are only two unique parties assigned to the states.
Elections occur once every four years, and for accurate results, it is necessary to assign election year party results to each year between elections.
Examine both tables for the presence of null values.
Merge two tables
How changed the parties distribution over states per election year?
Display the absolute value